Behind the curtain

Misery loves company, I'll fully admit to falling in the trap. It's real easy to do. Life is just too short, and there is a million reasons to be happy.
these forums can be a real nasty place. I love debate, but it's past that. Internet forums aren't the best place for that.... I used to have a passion for really trying to help people. I must not have conveyed that in the best manner, but I just can't kiss people's rear end every single day like Steve does. He's good at it and it's part of his job. I just wish everyone the best!

I know you are going to have an impossible time grasping this, but it actually isn't "kissing people's rears." Most would refer to it as treating others with a smidge of respect and actually trying to engage them in at least mildly intelligent debate or conversation. Life doesn't even get interesting until two somewhat intelligent people disagree and engage in a rational conversation about that subject. Every subject that there is disagreement on doesn't have to be some sort of bizarre, insecure death match, where the victor somehow gains an extra dose of internet forum tough guy status. Frankly, it's like two idiots losers having a fight. Guess what? The winner is still a complete idiot loser. If having no time or desire to be that person makes me a "kiss butt," I'll take that in a second. Good luck with future death matches, though.
Bueller.......So you posted snide comments about the MN guys on the QDMA site about guys you knew full well were banned on there, and then didn't like Stu's PM response. Then you claim you tried to register on the new site to address him directly, but there has never been anyone named Bueller that ever registered or attempted to register. (I'll take Jim's word any day) Then you come on this site, where again he is banned from responding, and you bash him some more. Jim even stated that you are more than welcome to register on the new site. Seems like a lot of hit and run bull to me. Someone needs to grow up, but it ain't Stu.
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Bueller.......So you posted snide comments about the MN guys on the QDMA site about guys you knew full were banned on there, and then didn't like Stu's PM response. Then you claim you tried to register on the new site to address him directly, but there has never been anyone named Bueller that ever registered or attempted to register. (I'll take Jim's word any day) Then you come on this site, where again he is banned from responding, and you bash him some more. Jim even stated that you are more than welcome to register on the new site. Seems like a lot of hit and run bull to me. Someone needs to grow up, but it ain't Stu.

Troll's always seem to wander out this time of night ...
Troll's always seem to wander out this time of night ...
Bahahahahahahahahaha. Yep, just a troll. Hahahaha
So bueller can start this thread to bash Stu and look for sympathy, but only people that agree with him can post??? I don't think so Spud!
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I think you need to get your facts straight. Be careful who you follow blindly because many times they are the ones that will take you down a path of destruction.

Bueller.......So you posted snide comments about the MN guys on the QDMA site about guys you knew full were banned on there, and then didn't like Stu's PM response.
My original post on that QDMA thread was not directed at any particular person banned or not banned there. In fact there were several guys from MN posting on that thread already, and they never said a word to me. My second post on that QDMA thread in which I outed smsmith as qdmaguy on lake-link was only made after I learned of the bashing he and others had been doing on the mudpit site. I received a PM from him on lake-link because he was pissed I threw it out to everyone that qdmaguy = smsmith, even though smsmith has been very vocal about his dislike of the QDMA organization. Since it wasn't just him doing the bashing I offered to take our PM conversation to a public forum which for some reason he declined.

Then you claim you tried to register on the new site to address him directly, but there has never been anyone named Bueller that ever registered or attempted to register. (I'll take Jim's word any day) Then you come on this site, where again he is banned from responding, and you bash him some more. Jim even stated that you are more than welcome to register on the new site. Seems like a lot of hit and run bull to me. Someone needs to grow up, but it ain't Stu.
My credibility is unquestioned by anyone that knows me. I am a man of my word and lying is something that I just don't do. If I screw up, I man up and face the consequence. I DID indeed register on Jim's forum with the intent of keeping all this garbage over there where it belongs. Here is copy of the email I received. It includes my username and a date/time stamp. Conveniently I never received a second email indicating that my account had been approved. So somebody's lying and it sure as hell ain't me.
I have never used the ignore feature before but, having just tried it, it seems useful. appears I may owe you an apology on the registration question. I'm sorry. This does not however, change the fact that you came to this site and griped "Behind the Curtain" where he could not respond, when you say you wanted to air it out on a public forum. THAT is not right.....period. You say that guys were bashing you on the other site where you couldn't respond. How is this different? I also find it sad that your friends there that send you snap chats won't defend you at all. I guess I would want friends with more strength & integrity than that, although it is just the internet.
^^^^^This page is holding noone hostage. If you don't like it, go read a different thread. But deep down, you really want to see what's next. Don't you? appears I may owe you an apology on the registration question. I'm sorry. This does not however, change the fact that you came to this site and griped "Behind the Curtain" where he could not respond, when you say you wanted to air it out on a public forum. THAT is not right.....period. You say that guys were bashing you on the other site where you couldn't respond. How is this different? I also find it sad that your friends there that send you snap chats won't defend you at all. I guess I would want friends with more strength & integrity than that, although it is just the internet.
As proved I tried to air it out on the other forum with everyone, not just smsmith. Since my registration was clearly denied/blocked/ignored whatever they want to call it or spin it as, I did so here on this forum. Don't ignore the fact that the other bashers that aren't banned here had every right to post in this thread. That is the difference.

As far as anybody coming to my defense. No need for that. This was between the chit talkers and me. For all you know I may have been given the heads up by persons who are not "internet friends" of mine. May even be MN regulars over there who stayed out of the mud slinging and just wanted to sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch this show.

As far as I am concerned what needed to be said has been said. Those who were wrong know who they are. No need to further drag this out. Although it is kinda like a nasty car wreck, you have to slow down and watch instead of just cruising by at 60 mph.
As proved I tried to air it out on the other forum with everyone, not just smsmith. Since my registration was clearly denied/blocked/ignored whatever they want to call it or spin it as, I did so here on this forum. Don't ignore the fact that the other bashers that aren't banned here had every right to post in this thread. That is the difference.

As far as anybody coming to my defense. No need for that. This was between the chit talkers and me. For all you know I may have been given the heads up by persons who are not "internet friends" of mine. May even be MN regulars over there who stayed out of the mud slinging and just wanted to sit back with a bag of popcorn and watch this show.

As far as I am concerned what needed to be said has been said. Those who were wrong know who they are. No need to further drag this out. Although it is kinda like a nasty car wreck, you have to slow down and watch instead of just cruising by at 60 mph.

Your registration was not denied, blocked, or anything - as I wasn't even aware of it until 30 seconds ago. Approved. Come reap what you've sown.
Your registration was not denied, blocked, or anything - as I wasn't even aware of it until 30 seconds ago. Approved. Come reap what you've sown.
Truly amazing that all of a sudden I'm approved. Application must have been "lost in the mail" or something this whole time huh. Maybe I'll take you up on it one day but in the meantime I'll give you all enough time to edit/delete your posts. Although I'm sure in the past 48 hours some of that has already been done. Some day I'll have to sit down with a 12 pack and do some catching up with you guys over there.
Truly amazing that all of a sudden I'm approved. Application must have been "lost in the mail" or something this whole time huh.

Everything that originates with my email address but doesn't originate on a Hotmail server gets sent to junk. The way our forum software is configured, this is how it is and there's nothing I can do to fix it.

I did delete your account request on Wed, but it was by accident as I had a bunch of PM notices at the same time and I had another account I'd approved earlier, so I thought I was throwing out old business, not your request. You can believe that or not. I can't make you see truth, I can only tell it to you and what you do with that info is on you.

Due to Dipper's trolling, our edit window is something short of half a day (I forget what I set it at). No one can delete posts after that but me, and no one has asked since I've instituted that parameter.

Do what you want. You can read everything but our special group to deal with childish antics (Yes, that's you Dipper), which is password protected and will remain out of public eye.

Dipper, whatever you wanted to thank me for - uh, yeah... You're not blocked, I haven't changed your password, and you know how to access the site. So stop making chit up. K? ;)
Wow, just laned in Atlantic city from ft Myers and whew things got rough.

For a while I was concerned maybe our little place lost a bit of activity and might go quietly into the night.

It didn't. Sure it's a bit slower.

But you know, I have a friend that I've known for 40 years. We don't talk everyday or every week or even every month. But when I need him, he's there and vice verse.

Kinda like this place.

I'd rather have a real conversation once in a while than a humdinger every day.

Just me I guess.

I'm glad to see some old friends back. Just wish they weren't so sore.

Tell foggy I said Hi, I miss that guy. Really, I'm not being a prick!

And tell Stu if he ever gets a bad drought year I'll take a week and help him put a fence down that ditch in the soggy field. I still swear we could funnel the crap out of any deer heading east! Something tells
me Bueller would help if push came
To shove.

Jim, are you guys using tapatalk yet? I can't/couldn't do sqwat on your site with my I-tampon.

And for the record I just don't see why anyone is pissed at dipper. OK well maybe.

But he's like my Old algebra teacher. He knows what he knows and can't quiet figure out why no one else does. Dipper hates squiggly lines and anyone making money on what he thinks is as simple as A squared + B squared = C squared.
But most guys don't like algebra.

Shame is, some of the smartest guys I've ever "virtually known" that are into my crazy passion are fighting with each other.

Makes me understand why a schmuck is
In the White House, a socialist looks good and we're getting ready to send another schmuck in.

I like it :) cause in the end none of this matters.

Good luck in 16.

And I get it. I still can't stand Dooffy. We all got Someone that bugs us.
No tapatalk option in the low rent district.

Dipper signed up under a fake name, posted 5 useless posts, got outed (by me) and hasn't posted since. I modified 4 of them, deleted one, and he ran away. We don't miss him since he didn't want to participate like an adult.
Wow, just laned in Atlantic city from ft Myers and whew things got rough.

For a while I was concerned maybe our little place lost a bit of activity and might go quietly into the night.

It didn't. Sure it's a bit slower.

But you know, I have a friend that I've known for 40 years. We don't talk everyday or every week or even every month. But when I need him, he's there and vice verse.

Kinda like this place.

I'd rather have a real conversation once in a while than a humdinger every day.

Just me I guess.

I'm glad to see some old friends back. Just wish they weren't so sore.

Tell foggy I said Hi, I miss that guy. Really, I'm not being a prick!

And tell Stu if he ever gets a bad drought year I'll take a week and help him put a fence down that ditch in the soggy field. I still swear we could funnel the crap out of any deer heading east! Something tells
me Bueller would help if push came
To shove.

Jim, are you guys using tapatalk yet? I can't/couldn't do sqwat on your site with my I-tampon.

And for the record I just don't see why anyone is pissed at dipper. OK well maybe.

But he's like my Old algebra teacher. He knows what he knows and can't quiet figure out why no one else does. Dipper hates squiggly lines and anyone making money on what he thinks is as simple as A squared + B squared = C squared.
But most guys don't like algebra.

Shame is, some of the smartest guys I've ever "virtually known" that are into my crazy passion are fighting with each other.

Makes me understand why a schmuck is
In the White House, a socialist looks good and we're getting ready to send another schmuck in.

I like it :) cause in the end none of this matters.

Good luck in 16.

And I get it. I still can't stand Dooffy. We all got Someone that bugs us.

Bill this makes me want to drink a cold brew with ya and shake your hand
Well said
And I get it. I still can't stand Dooffy. We all got Someone that bugs us.

Bill, your whole post was great but the last part of it stands out to me and separates you from others. I have never seen any posts by you bashing/belittling or calling Duffy names.
The bashing/belittling/name calling posting gets very old and brings nothing to the table.