
Wind Gypsy

5 year old buck +
I just swapped out this cam after it went dead because bears pulled the cord out that ran to the solar/battery. A week later effin bears are messing with the new cam. This is in the middle of the property I try to stay out of typically thus the solar setup..
Bears make my hogs look not so bad. Bears are 40 miles from my place and I hope they stay there.
Bears are dicks!

They destroyed 1 mature apple tree this year. Also one last fall.
I’ve got bears out my ass at my place. Just a new set of rules to live by.

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Bears are nice to watch ............. on SOMEONE ELSE's distant property vids!!! Destruction in a fur coat.
Their not far enough awayView attachment 56476
I love it when they are wearing jewelry. We come across tagged bears occasionally, and then determine it was a problem bear for the state in a campground somewhere so they moved it out on to private only lands where it's someone else's problem.
I love it when they are wearing jewelry. We come across tagged bears occasionally, and then determine it was a problem bear for the state in a campground somewhere so they moved it out on to private only lands where it's someone else's problem.
They don't stay on one property - regardless if it's private or not. They wander for miles. The ILLEGALLY-KILLED biggest bear in Pa. was seen passing through a number of private hunting camps' properties, spanning 6 miles or more. God knows how much further the bear wandered where he wasn't seen or noticed. It was killed illegally by a doctor or dentist and his sons from West Virginia. That bear was mounted and displayed at the Pa. Game Commission's headquarters.
They are dicks! I have one 9yo apple tree, loaded with apples, and pretty much all the branches are snapped off from them, and smashed the fence around it. Jerks!

They take my garbage and drag it all over

Knock over my grill

I realize I live in the woods, and they were here first, but that does not mean they have to destroy all of my shit!
A bear tore off the vinyl tarp I had on top of one of my wood piles. It was weighed down with a number of heavy rocks and oak limbs. It evidently either heard it flapping in the wind, or tried playing with it and liked the sound it made. Bear drug it about 100 yards through the woods - tarp was now full of holes from teeth & claws. Wood pile got wet too. They also love to break limbs on fruit trees. Bears are a PITA !!! We never see them in bear season so we can thin them out.
I had a bear break a window on my camp trailer so he could take the package of cinnamon bears off the table.
Bears are jerks.
Had bears remove some board and bat siding from a cabin I owned no food in the cabin. I think they where just using it as a scratching post.