Bears and Apples


Yearling... With promise
We have 2 separate clusters of 3 apple trees near food plots in Wisconsin. The trees are finally starting to produce a lot of apples and of course the bears are going after them breaking branches etc. We got all the apples off the trees a month ago, but what's a better solution? I've heard electric fence surrounding the trunks with solar panels? We have no power in range.
I have a similar problem with bears and apple trees. From past experience I can tell you that wrapping and securing barbed wire to the outside of the protective cages doesn't work. I have done some research and it appears that since bears will not try to jump a fence you will only need one the section of E fence, hopefully this will allow the deer to jump the fence and yet keep bears out. Bears are tough with thick fur so you should go with the highest output unit possible and also install a separate ground wire around the fence perimeter. I plan on installing a solar charger and E fence around one of my mini orchards next spring. We will see how effective it is at keeping bears at bay.PICT1773.JPG
That bear in your pic. looks like a well-fed tanker. Lots of delicious sausage and bologna wearing a fur coat !!!