Barn line for apple maggot?


5 year old buck +
Rumor from a neighbor. For those crab apple trees that have the ground covered with apples after snow melt, spread barn lime over the apples to control the maggot.

True or false?

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From my remembrance, the maggot larvae need to move into the ground to overwinter. So I'd expect little benefit but no harm to doing it.
Can only say one word IMIDAN
Surround WP is what they call an organic insecticide which is a clay in a powder form. Directions say to mix with water and spray ground at apple fall. When spray drys it leaves a film that repels the maggots once they leave the apple to overwinter in the soil. I have not used this, just found it on a Google search for a non chemical way to control apple maggots. Sounds similar to what your friend is saying so maybe there's something to it.