Barbed wire fence

I would probably put an “H” brace every 200 yards on the longer runs
A good barbed wire fence is ridiculously expensive to have built around here. Since your ground sounds open and not rocky, you could build it yourself. It is a ton of work, especially by yourself. Catscratch had a lot of great info. Absolutely wear safety glasses. That coiled wire springs back at you when you least expect it. Wear thick leather gloves and a long sleeve shirt or you will be bleeding. Actually you WILL be bleeding anyway, just not as much. Buy or build your own receiver hitch spike to hold the wire roll. They sell a tool so you can carry the roll around and allow it to rotate. I don't know how much a roll of wire weighs, but they are heavy enough to be a pain in the ass and it will be catching and tearing your clothes up without the tool. Since you aren't worried about livestock don't build it too high. The deer will get caught in the top wire if it is too high and they will tear up the fence.
Do you have hedge (Osage Orange)? If so you can collect hedgeapples, make a slurry out of them, then pour into your trench. Will be a impenetrable row if a few yrs. Of course if the farmer sprays it won't work.
Unfortunately we don’t have those. Autumn olive would be similar but there’s no way I’m going to propagate the devils bush!
I’m kind of dreading this fence. Maybe I should take the excavator and dig a trench like a moat and plant cedars!
I wish I were closer with a bit more time. I would for sure come help you set the corners. If you do it, spend some time getting those right. The rest can all be done half-assed and over time, several times even. You get one shot at the corners. Might be worth finding a local crew with some down time just to do that. The rest can cut you and make you sweat, but it is all doable...
I contract out my barb wire fence work

Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime is not on my side

I called someone today. No answer. Also called my farmer to see if he knows someone…he’s on a cruise.
Check Marketplace and Craigslist? I just searched "fence" and found several units that build fence.

We've always been able to find high school kids who needed a few bucks thrown at them for some fence building.
NRCS local office might be able to provide fence builder contacts. They have, or had, some fence building assistance programs for which they inspected the fences, and might be able to names of some of those contractors
An electric winch is a huge time saver for stretching wire. I have it mounted on my Willy’s jeep.

I use heavy springs and turnbuckles on one end of the stretch.

I can’t help but remind you how important the corner braces are! I use railroad ties and minnimum of three foot holes.
Cement them in if you can’t get four feet.