Ballistics gel testing

You guys that are doing allot of shooting......should check this out. Just saw it the other day. Not sure of the price......but some things are worth it. This is my book.
Answering my own question above. Might want to get on "the list". These look good.

Answering my own question above. Might want to get on "the list". These look good.

Yea I’m using a Lee trimmer with the drill base and it’s fast but nowhere near that fast I may need one of those that’s the bomb diggity.
They are not giving them away about $600 for one of those trimmers
They are not giving them away about $600 for one of those trimmers
When I was doing some volume shooting.....that would have been at the top of my list. I hate case prep time spent.

Competitive shooters, varmint hunters and high volume target shooters will not flinch at that number. Looks like a quality built tool.
Case prep is the worst part
Yea I’m using a Lee trimmer with the drill base and it’s fast but nowhere near that fast I may need one of those that’s the bomb diggity.
I have an old forester base with the collets that secure a case head via a lever lock.......and then use a drill press to trim. I used this for years on volume reloading and then had to do chamfer and de-burr op's first by hand and later by a motor driven tool. This should cut the work time by a factor of about 3. Pretty slick tool and more precise and easier to set-up than any drill press I owned over time.

Hornady just keeps coming up with winning products. Lots of growth over recent years.....and huge quality improvements over time too.
Yep, that hornady trimmer is going to be a hit. Basically a knock off with slight improvements over the Henderson trimmer.

I probably have $1000 into my giraud bench trimmer with all the cutting heads and case holders so I won’t be jumping ship but I’d probably try one of those hornadys if starting from scratch.

Agree with other folks. End of hunting season until habitat season starts in the spring is my primary shooting season.
I have an old forester base with the collets that secure a case head via a lever lock.......and then use a drill press to trim. I used this for years on volume reloading and then had to do chamfer and de-burr op's first by hand and later by a motor driven tool. This should cut the work time by a factor of about 3. Pretty slick tool and more precise and easier to set-up than any drill press I owned over time.

Hornady just keeps coming up with winning products. Lots of growth over recent years.....and huge quality improvements over time too.

Forster makes 3-in-1 cutting heads for that old trimmer setup that trims, deburs, chamfers in one step. That’s what I used before the giraud. Way better than doing all 3 in different steps but not as fast as a giraud, Henderson, or this new hornady.
Forster makes 3-in-1 cutting heads for that old trimmer setup that trims, deburs, chamfers in one step. That’s my backup trimmer now.
I did not know that. Forester made a few interesting innovations over time......and their products are generally of decent quality. At one time I looked forward to seeing the guys at forester at trade shows. Nice people.

I'm so out of date on these things......and have given most of my stuff to my family. Starting to feel like a dinosaur on these topics.... it's still interesting.....but it's getting to be a long time since I had an interest in these things. At one time I really had the bug.....and would constantly read about this stuff and the latest and bestest. Alas.
Yea I’m using a Lee trimmer with the drill base and it’s fast but nowhere near that fast I may need one of those that’s the bomb diggity.
I am using the Lee quick trim since it sets up as a station in my progressive, but I am not happy with the consistency. I think the old school lee case gauges that use a drill motor is about as simple and consistent as you can get.

At $500, the hornady looks nice but I just can't.
Federal Ammo going factory direct??? !!! ??? Check out these prices!

My first guess would be that its a scam site. Where did you come across that link?

Edit: looked a little more, scam site alarms aplenty.
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My first guess would be that its a scam site. Where did you come across that link?

Edit: looked a little more, scam site alarms aplenty.
OK.....I got this on Facebook. Maybe is a scam. Prices seemed too good to be true. Damn crooks.
Forster makes 3-in-1 cutting heads for that old trimmer setup that trims, deburs, chamfers in one step. That’s what I used before the giraud. Way better than doing all 3 in different steps but not as fast as a giraud, Henderson, or this new hornady.
Looks like RCBS, Henderson, Forster and others all make 3 in 1 cutters, and all about $100. Do you have any experience with Little Crow trimmers? I am trying to keep my trimming part of my sizing ops, but want something more precise than the Lee quick trim setup. My plan is to build a dedicated setup that mounts to the press.
Looks like RCBS, Henderson, Forster and others all make 3 in 1 cutters, and all about $100. Do you have any experience with Little Crow trimmers? I am trying to keep my trimming part of my sizing ops, but want something more precise than the Lee quick trim setup. My plan is to build a dedicated setup that mounts to the press.
I have one little crow trimmer ("worlds finest trimmer" maybe?) in 223 that didn't have the 3-in-1 function. It's fast, not incredibly precise but within a few thou case to case if i recall correctly. If you want to give it a try you can have it for the cost of shipping if i can find it.
I have one little crow trimmer ("worlds finest trimmer" maybe?) in 223 that didn't have the 3-in-1 function. It's fast, not incredibly precise but within a few thou case to case if i recall correctly. If you want to give it a try you can have it for the cost of shipping if i can find it.
Thanks, but if they aren't 3 in 1 it isn't going to get me what I want.

Being lazy can be timing consuming and expensive.
Giraud makes a 3-in-1 drill mount trimmer thats similar to the little crow.

Personally, i'd either spend hornady/henderson/giraud bench trimmer money or go with forster 3 in 1 heads. Once you start to buy a bunch of 3 in 1 heads it makes sense to just get the top options IMO.
Giraud makes a 3-in-1 drill mount trimmer thats similar to the little crow.

Personally, i'd either spend hornady/henderson/giraud bench trimmer money or go with forster 3 in 1 heads. Once you start to buy a bunch of 3 in 1 heads it makes sense to just get the top options IMO.
I can remember back in about 1990 when Gracey showed their power trimmer at the NRA National Matches at Camp Perry. I was there hawking my OAL Gauge and bullet comparator. Gracey caused quite a stir with that trimmer intro. I guess they are still at it?
I can remember back in about 1990 when Gracey showed their power trimmer at the NRA National Matches at Camp Perry. I was there hawking my OAL Gauge and bullet comparator. Gracey caused quite a stir with that trimmer intro. I guess they are still at it?
Not sure about Gracey currently, i know the giraud was an update/improvement of the gracey design.