Ballistics gel testing

I do a bit more shooting this time of year myself I just sized and trimmed about 1500 .223 brass in the last week or so kind of gearing up to do a bit of shooting. I finally feel a bit like shooting again components are high priced but at least they are available agian. I hate the reloading component dry spells we seem to have with some regularity anymore. It’s almost to the point that when components are avialable you have to go out of your way to stock up so when the next component famine hits you have stuff to load.
Have you seen the kits for swaging .223 bullets from lead wire and .22LR brass?
Have you seen the kits for swaging .223 bullets from lead wire and .22LR brass?
I have not but why if you can get .224 fmj bullets for $0.06/ea?
Have you seen the kits for swaging .223 bullets from lead wire and .22LR brass?
Yes I have thats not something I want to do but it’s interesting.
Have you seen the kits for swaging .223 bullets from lead wire and .22LR brass?
I knew a couple guys who were swaging their own, but I never did get a report on how they compare to store bought. Do you have any experience with home swaged bullets? My fear is investing a couple grand, taking up space, and ending up buying seconds from Midway.
However, it would really be fun to have some ballistics gel and bullet swager to see what kind of mess a guy can make.
I knew a couple guys who were swaging their own, but I never did get a report on how they compare to store bought. Do you have any experience with home swaged bullets? My fear is investing a couple grand, taking up space, and ending up buying seconds from Midway.
However, it would really be fun to have some ballistics gel and bullet swager to see what kind of mess a guy can make.

I have no experience swaging bullets, and I don't know what the equipment costs. I just saw a video on youtube, and I thought it was pretty neat.
I have no experience swaging bullets, and I don't know what the equipment costs. I just saw a video on youtube, and I thought it was pretty neat.
Seems to me that the bullet jacket is a huge variable in rolling your own bullets. Bullet jackets are hard to make with near perfectly uniform wall thickness. That was Walt Bergers big advantage in bullet making. Evidently he had exclusive rights to the J4 bullet jackets and sold jackets to many other bullet makers.

As I understand it....impact extrusions are quite difficult to keep concentric. Some of the better impact extrusion makers also make things like lipstick containers.....if memory serves.
Is this a veiled reference to putting lipstick on a pig?