AWP coming up in Spiring after fall planted LC mix


Yearling... With promise
I see a lot of things written about Clover/Rye in the spring but I havent seen anyone talk much about AWP in the spring. I got a chance to check out my plots from last year and noticed quite a few AWP plants are coming up in the Rye.
I will try to put up some pics when I get a chance.
Any thoughts on this? Is this normal? Were these seeds laying dormant all year? I saw the peas come up last fall when I planted, but they definitely did not make it large enough to have peas reseed (if that is possible).

Thanks for the help.
They will survive the winter, the Midwest. Not gonna see much of it in my area this year. The snow will insulate it.
I'm gonna plant my awps in the spring this year
Every time I have fall planted awp's there have been a few show up the following spring. And just like the fall, when they hit about 5" they transform into little raisinettes.
Mine normally get wiped out as soon as they pop out of the ground. I have very few that make it the following spring. I also going to try the spring planting also this year if it ever dries up.
dipper and tooln, are you guys going to plant awp in a mix, if so, what else in the mix? Oats, clover,WR ?
I'm gonna no till it into rye and clover that is growing already. I'm also gonna include beans sunflower andsorghum Sudan grass
I planted AWP once with Winter Rye a couple years ago. This was minimum tillage, broadcast on the surface and then prayed for rain.

Deer sure like them that fall, had a few grow and survived in the spring to point the plot was mowed again for the next planting.
dipper and tooln, are you guys going to plant awp in a mix, if so, what else in the mix? Oats, clover,WR ?

I'm going to do some by themselves this spring, then in a mix this fall.
Fall mix will be WR, oats, red clover, chicory & radish's
I'm going to do some by themselves this spring, then in a mix this fall.
Fall mix will be WR, oats, red clover, chicory & radish's
Are you planning on using a e fence or some type of deterrent around your spring AWP? I have tried a pure stand in the fall but got wiped out as fast as they sprouted. I now only use AWP with blends. The deer in my area hammer them. Have not tried spring planting. Keep use posted how it turns out!!
No fence but I have low numbers. I'm just going to hope for the best.
I suspect that the spring planted AWP will hold up similar to spring planted soybeans. If you plant a big enough plot they will keep up with deer browse. Just wondering if you wouldn't be better off planting soybeans as they will give you beans right thru December while spring planted peas will dry up after they produce peas.
Myself I would plan on a fall plot so soy bean wouldn't work for me. Besides I have some AWP left over from last year. Just got home from my 40 and it may be a couple of weeks before it get dry enough to do much.
I plant my AWP's in the beginning of July with oats. I also plant Soybeans in May and July.