Avian Flu

There are <300 million layers in the US vs 9 billion broilers per year. Some layer facility owners feel like broiler owners might be hiding some infections with there short turn arounds. Huge number of broilers is part of why usda doesn't monitor prices closely. Turn around on broilers is 8 weeks vs 2 years for layers. Much different markets but could sh!t can and is hitting the fan for both.

I have been in the layer barns buit in the last year and ones built 10 and 20+ years ago. A lot of differences but even a couple years ago the owners were saying their biggest worry was disease.
If the market is hit hard for poultry inventory and rising prices, doesnt that just hurt all the other meat industries as well at some point?
If people are not buying poultry due to availibility and/or pricing, wont consumers then be going towards the pork and beef more? Only to create an added demand on those products?

In the end, nothing good is going to come of this avian flu I am afraid.
One somewhat experienced person told me that turkeys seem to break at some point after 12 weeks of age in many cases.

Just wondering if slaughtering chickens at 8 weeks might be reducing the number of infected chicken flocks.

One client told me yesterday that he sold his turkey barn in December. His cousins are struggling int he industry.
Saw that today.

Cargill has an egg processing plant here in Big Lake. Drove by it yesterday and its a ghosttown. They just added on and there are always signs outside looking for people.

A friend works at the Cargill plant in Monticello and said that Big Lake is slamming the doors shut due to an expected 30% egg shortage in their supply chains. It will take 18 to 24 months for things to stabilize before they consider reopening the Big Lake facility.....
Has there been any small farms affected by this?
Stock up on beef..... if there is no poultry to buy what are people going to be buying for their meats?? ugly mess.... I sure hope we get a heatwave soon. Apparently the virus dies out in hot conditions. Come on hot and dry weather!!!! :0
I was listening to My Farm Radio about a week ago and they are predicting this will hit supermarket egg prices the hardest. The theory is that value-added product makers that use eggs will not give up market share to make their products and further push the squeeze to consumers.