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Apple trees budding ??


5 year old buck +
Any of you guys in the zone 6 and further north ( colder ) areas have any apples budding yet ?? I was at my camp yesterday and I saw some terminal buds on the leaders and limb tips starting to open buds !! They appear to have been nipped by frost and are turning brown. Not many - but a few. Leaves look like they were just beginning to un-curl. What should I make of this ?? Is this a set-back on this year's growth ??
Wow that's early and could be a problem. If the leaves are brown they are probably toast. We are still good here in zone 5 but my peaches are really swelling and could bloom before we are done with frost here. I hope it's not the case bows but take a few pics please so we can have a look. I am pretty sure we are going to get frost here over the next month and a half for sure sad to say
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It only seems to be the terminal buds at the tips of the leaders on a couple trees. The rest don't seem that close. I'm hoping for a return ( for a while ) to colder temps. and no surprise warm spell that sets us up for a frost wipe-out. I won't get back up for at least a week to check on them. These 55 to 63 degree days have me spooked !!
Yes we got down to 20 last night but I had a problem too with my planted grafts. Many were being pushed out of the ground with the thaw and the refreeze. Had a few laying in their sides. I was able to push the. Back into the ground maybe 1 to 2 inches then put some dirt/mud around then to try and hold them upright. Hope it wasn't a problem as some of the roots were exposed for I don't know how long but it was very wet and I think the tap root was still moist it was caused by run off too of the dirt around the trees with all the rain and thaw we had last week

I saw the forecast for next Wednesday and it's supposed to be 65 owwwwwchhhh
Yes we have close to 60 here next week as well. I am nervous because the next week has lows in the teens. I'm really worried about how this is going to work with that many days warm before the bottom drops out again. :'(


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I wouldn't worry about a few days of warm weather but if its 3 to 5 days the tree then maybe you will start getting bud break then all bets are off. Go find the bloom damage page that is around here somewhere which was posted before. Once the buds reach half inch green then 15 degrees will result in a 90% kill of fruit buds but I think most trees wont reach that for a month or so in zone 5. Not sure about 6 and above but the temps in those zones should be warmer as well

Here is one chart
I have young trees so I'm not worried about fruiting this year.

However, based on my kids' schedules in March (home from college), I'm not pruning until April 1 in Zone 7a this year.

If the trees were to bud/leaf out before I prune, have I lost any more than a bit of the tree's energy going to limbs that I prune out?
I am glad I collected scionwood last weekend.
Chicken did you get me my Bedan? lol
Just heard the weather report - temps. going down again starting tomorrow with some rain starting tonight. High's in the mid-30's down here in S.E.Pa. Colder further north for sure. Possible snow going into Friday. I just hope it stays cold for a bit yet.

I just remember as a kid, we hardly ever saw 40 degrees until somewhere in March. I was / am a weather nerd and have always watched such things. Snow would pile up on top of snow on top of snow and we rarely saw grass / bare ground all winter. That was in upstate Pa. Now - we rarely see snow. Bare ground most of the winter ...... with a few exceptions, like last year !!
I have young trees so I'm not worried about fruiting this year.

However, based on my kids' schedules in March (home from college), I'm not pruning until April 1 in Zone 7a this year.

If the trees were to bud/leaf out before I prune, have I lost any more than a bit of the tree's energy going to limbs that I prune out?

You will definitely be losing some of the trees energy reserves, depending on the amount of wood removed, if you allow the tree to leaf out before pruning. I would also be concerned about the increased risk of fire blight infection with a lot of fresh open wounds when fire blight is more active. I dont know what your weather has been like there but we are looking at 60s for highs the next several days.
Thanks man !!!!!
Or don't prune at all this year. It won't be the end of the world especially if you aren't worried about fruiting
It only seems to be the terminal buds at the tips of the leaders on a couple trees. The rest don't seem that close. I'm hoping for a return ( for a while ) to colder temps. and no surprise warm spell that sets us up for a frost wipe-out. I won't get back up for at least a week to check on them. These 55 to 63 degree days have me spooked !!
It happens sometimes. I'm not sure why but I always have a few trees like that. I never see any ill effects later on.
Thanks, Maya. I was hoping you'd jump in on this one !! The rest of the buds all seem " normal " looking. I was sweating bullets when I first saw the opening buds.
March is looking way to warm. Looks like it will be another frost kill this year.
We're getting snow here in S.E.Pa. tonight, but it's supposed to get up to 64 next week on Tuesday. Too warm - too early.
If you look at the long range forecast, yes it is going to be warm, but consistently warm. I don't see any wild swings.