apple choice help


5 year old buck +
My place is zone 8 in Mississippi.
I have not had good luck with apples. I am thinking about trying them one last time.
Any thoughts on best apple choice and pollinators for south?
Pears grow great in my area but would really like to try apples one last time at my new orchard on my new land. Any help is appreciated
Call the wildlife group they are from southern Alabama and what apples work for them should work for you. Off hand black Limbertwig, Arkansas Black, Monark, and she'll of Alabama are supposed to do well in high heat areas
When you say you have not had good luck with apples, what exactly does that mean? Elaborate more and maybe someone on here can pick up on what you did wrong, etc..
When you say you have not had good luck with apples, what exactly does that mean? Elaborate more and maybe someone on here can pick up on what you did wrong, etc..
Well...I guess I meant maybe I just bought apple trees at local nursury and the pollinators needed for them and just taking for granted that they carried what was best for my zone and I didn't really look for the more resistance trees so mainly trying see which you guys think gives me the best option for zone and resistance. Thanks
I don't remember what kinda apple trees iv planted so that's not going help me but I did have few trees do real good for 7 or 8 years and produced good numbers of fruit for few years then die. I'm sure they was not Disease resistant
I would for sure look at the wildlife group and maybe call century farms
What kind of soil will you plant in?
What kind of soil will you plant in?
Have not had soil tested but this is some of the best richest dark soil that I have delt with. This is the 40 acre horse farm that had been used for probably hundred years. I just bought it and cleaning up a house place and got a big orchard going in. Figs, blueberries, muscidines, apples, pears ,plums, and might try some peaches . This will be for my family consumption as well as wildlife to eat from.
Im in zone 8 also but my apples arent producing yet. I do have dozier crabs producing about 3" apples. They do well here. As far as apples go i have Yates, kinnards choice, shockley, terry winter, black limbertwig, royal limbertwig, and arkansas black.
I dont think we regularly get the chill hrs needed for the arkansas black so it will be hit or miss.
Where are you located in ms huntall?
Im in zone 8 also but my apples arent producing yet. I do have dozier crabs producing about 3" apples. They do well here. As far as apples go i have Yates, kinnards choice, shockley, terry winter, black limbertwig, royal limbertwig, and arkansas black.
I dont think we regularly get the chill hrs needed for the arkansas black so it will be hit or miss.
Yep...I saw that the wildlife group put the Arkansas black in the northern apple tree package and not the southern apple tree package .
I talked to a buddy of mine and he said granny smith apples does great here.
He said his granny smith trees are loaded most years.
Im from Waynesboro ms huntall nice to see some southern boys on here lol.