Anyone pull the axle on a King Kutter tow behind spreader


5 year old buck +
I want to pull the drive axle on my tow behind spreader and clean and replace all the grease in it. Is there a way to pull it and clean it up?

It was used for spreading sand, then ag lime. Sometimes when I use it the drive wheel locks up and just skids as opposed to turning the spreader disc, especially with heavier material, but sometimes even with rye or wheat seed.

Any help would be appreciated.
Dont own one, but it looks like you need to pull the pins/bolts from both tires, both inside axles. Pull the 2 axle to gearbox and the gearbox to spreader auger shaft. remove the gearbox out completely, then push the axles inward to get them out. You may have to sand the rust off the axle shafts where the wheel hub mounts.

What usually happens is the axle rusts, the rust expands and makes the clearance between the axle and bushing tight. It's good advice to wash and grease when done.

I appreciate your response. I'll be giving it a go in a few days and wanted someone else's take on it. I'm sure it could use a complete overhaul at this point.

Was peeking around at the atv implements on the landpride site. If you need parts king kutter doesn't sell, take a peek at their spreader for parts.