Anyone grafting?


5 year old buck +
Is anyone grafting yet? 60's all week here, then mid 50s next week! i am excited

Also, I have some rootstock that I could graft three different scions too. It is forked shape. Is there any negative to doing this? I am not really worried if it doesn't last 40 years (ill be dead by then)
I want to graft some wild callory pears around my parents house. I'm not sure when to do it though. We're still getting nights below freezing but it's supposed to be 60's this week.
I want to graft some wild callory pears around my parents house. I'm not sure when to do it though. We're still getting nights below freezing but it's supposed to be 60's this week.
How late do you think is too late to start?? Last year I think I waited too long and the grafts that were successful took a while to wake up..just don’t want them to get frozen or dried out!
I was too late too. Just slipped my mind. I am probably going to do some this week and keep them in the garage for a few weeks until any chance of frost is gone.
How late do you think is too late to start?? Last year I think I waited too long and the grafts that were successful took a while to wake up..just don’t want them to get frozen or dried out!
ya I have no idea either. At least they're just callory's so if they die who cares. I figured I might as well try to turn them into something else. I have 3 pears at my place I can get scion from.
ya I have no idea either. At least they're just callory's so if they die who cares. I figured I might as well try to turn them into something else. I have 3 pears at my place I can get scion from.
I’m doing the same with a callery I found in my front yard..I’m leaving 1 branch as a nurse branch then grafting some of the pears at my place and some scion I ordered onto it..hoping for a 12 or so in 1 Frankentree when it’s done!!
I’m doing the same with a callery I found in my front yard..I’m leaving 1 branch as a nurse branch then grafting some of the pears at my place and some scion I ordered onto it..hoping for a 12 or so in 1 Frankentree when it’s done!!
Nice! Hope that works out.
Apples and pears are more forgiving with cold temperatures. The problem you might encounter is if you graft, the graft begins to leaf out and there's a hard frost that kills the new foliage. The grafts may not sprout new buds. I've usually waited until about the time when flowers start to open but I'm sure there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Apples and pears are more forgiving with cold temperatures. The problem you might encounter is if you graft, the graft begins to leaf out and there's a hard frost that kills the new foliage. The grafts may not sprout new buds. I've usually waited until about the time when flowers start to open but I'm sure there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Someone posted on here that’s it’s ok, temp/forecast depending, to start grafting when the leaves get to like dime sized or so on the limbs you’re grafting onto
If you guys are asking about topworking established trees using the bark grafting technique, I recommend waiting until the bark starts "slipping." My general rule of thumb is to wait until the leaves on the trees are about 2/3 out. This tells you that the sap is flowing well, which will allow the bark to easily peel back when you make the cuts. When I have tried to start too early, the results have not been as good. Pears will be first, followed by apples with persimmons bringing up the rear. I will be doing all three this year.
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I've done pears and apples earlier and had 100% takes out of about 25 grafts. It's not going to hurt to wait though. You'll have a better chance of avoiding damaging frosts.
I've done pears and apples earlier and had 100% takes out of about 25 grafts. It's not going to hurt to wait though. You'll have a better chance of avoiding damaging frosts.

This is my 1st year topworking several year old trees. However, I have been tongue and whip grafting rootstocks that failed their graft the year before.

Not sure if it's frost. Almost think the scion just dries out and has a dead end before the sap is flowing. Either way, best to wait.

I wouldnt mess with a triple rootstock. Maybe pick the best 2 and graft, then cut off the lesser of the two, or the lesser desired one if both look ok.

Open center trees right from the ground rarely make it long term. Branch will likely break. IF it dont look right, prune.

What I do wonder with topworking. Is it better to prep the tree for topworking. Removing those long branches while dormant, then cut back a bit more and graft when the tree is ready.

Had 0 for 6 luck grafting northrup mulberry, kind f a rare zone 3 mulberry. Doing this again this year, but waiiting for leaf out. Apples are easy to graft, think pears are a touch easier.

Anybody clean or hydrate their scions before grafting. Mild bleach solution to kill mold. Sit them in a water for awhile to get water in them......
I did mulberries April 12th and 13th (near Cincinnati) two years ago and had good luck. Persimmons I did May 14th and late May last year. In the past I did early May. I did real well with the ones in the yard, not so good at a distant property. I wasnt able to pinch back buds as much as I needed. I'm only getting about 50% takes with persimmons at my distant property for that reason. Be sure to brace when grafting to big roots. Wind is not kind if not.

Mulberries April 12-13

May 13th