Anybody near middle of Missouri want to haul my drill for $ ?


5 year old buck +
Just bought an 8’ Genesis drill in Missouri. I either need to go get it or pay someone to bring it to me in South Central Wisconsin. I just thought I would check to see if anybody here was looking for some quick work to make some habitat money before I hook up and head south to get it.
I am willing to pay $500 plus your fuel.
Bill, I checked the rules and do not believe this violates any forum rules, but if it does, please delete.
We are in full blown prep mode for spring farming and would save me a touch of hassle. If no interest, no big deal.
Thanks everyone,

oh, and it will be loaded by the dealer, it is mounted on a steel angle iron “pallet”, easy strap/chain down, and will be unloaded by us at the farm. No handling required. Weight is 2660 lbs plus the iron pallet.
Or…if any of you are around the middle of Missouri that know of a decent , good fella (or gal ) that would like the task, pass them the info. I will be making a decision in the next few days due to weather may change our plans around here a bit.
Just bought an 8’ Genesis drill in Missouri. I either need to go get it or pay someone to bring it to me in South Central Wisconsin. I just thought I would check to see if anybody here was looking for some quick work to make some habitat money before I hook up and head south to get it.
I am willing to pay $500 plus your fuel.
Bill, I checked the rules and do not believe this violates any forum rules, but if it does, please delete.
We are in full blown prep mode for spring farming and would save me a touch of hassle. If no interest, no big deal.
Thanks everyone,

oh, and it will be loaded by the dealer, it is mounted on a steel angle iron “pallet”, easy strap/chain down, and will be unloaded by us at the farm. No handling required. Weight is 2660 lbs plus the iron pallet.
+Private message sent
Transport secured, Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Didn’t break any rule either.
I have a brother in Oshkosh that does small custom hauling jobs when he’s not driving semi he would probably do it if your other arrangements fall thru holler at me I’ll get you guys in touch.
Thanks b11. I appreciate it and will give you a shout if the plan I have in place doesn’t work out.
And Bill, good to hear I didn’t break any rules. I almost didn’t post the offer because I didn’t want to step on any toes or upset anyone on this great forum.
Great bunch around here!!
LOL! Not too many compared to other forums, but I will add that the maturity level, common sense, and good natured conversations are extraordinary compared to every single other forum I have ever been on.
It says quite a bit about the folks using and contributing to this site!
Most folks with the drive and financial ability to make habitat improvements probably aren’t your average wing nut.
Wis and Wis equipment in Kahoka, MO. (very NE corner) had a couple Genesis drills on the lot when I drove by last wedkend. The owner, Jerry Redding, is a good guy.
We're definitely not your average wing nut ... we are special wing nuts...

I actually have a bag full of stainless steel wing nuts. Not many guys need stainless steel wing nuts....
The new drill made it safely to South Central WI from Missouri. It arrived Friday evening about 6:00. Can’t wait to try it out. Hope it works as well as the reviews said.949D11E2-F69B-48D8-B611-4E424D9F19D7.jpeg94EE457A-8966-4D1A-8588-76C3F9BB02B3.jpeg
Nice drill, is that an old school bus with a big tree spade mounted to it?
hahaha. You caught that. Nice job! Yes, my brother in law decided he needed to move a few trees that he planted before he built his new house.
He found the tree spade on an auction and then saw that bus on a state auction. So he cut the bus apart and now has that rig. We aren’t quite done with it yet and may have to add some counter weight to it. I think I have a better picture of it, let me look…
^ Is all that equipment for deer plots?? Yowsir....great stuff and a nice shop!
^ Is all that equipment for deer plots?? Yowsir....great stuff and a nice shop!
Well, maybe not all of it is for food plots, but I can use it for plots if I need it. :)