Any way to end all the Transfers from QDM site?

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For every registered user on the QDMA forums there were many lurkers.

I am one of those lurkers. I only ever viewed "QDMA forums" when slow at work and therefore never would let myself register or even if I was, I wouldn't log in. I doubt I will ever post much as I'm fairly novice when it comes to this sort of thing; therefore, I don't have a whole lot to add to the discussion. I truly despise people who regurgitate info they read on the internet but have no idea how good it is. That leads me to being a lurker for the most part. I'm happy to be here and hope you will have me as one of Habitat Talk's lurkers.

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I am one of those lurkers. I only ever viewed "QDMA forums" when slow at work and therefore never would let myself register or even if I was, I wouldn't log in. I doubt I will ever post much as I'm fairly novice when it comes to this sort of thing; therefore, I don't have a whole lot to add to the discussion. I truly despise people who regurgitate info they read on the internet but have no idea how good it is. That leads me to being a lurker for the most part. I'm happy to be here and hope you will have me as one of Habitat Talk's lurkers.

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Around here we call 'em creepers. :)
Let the QDM thing go. Let's discus deer and habitat and leave the political junk out of it.
I wasnt a big poster "over there".. not exactly burning up the keyboard here either,..

But i understand where Jack is coming from. There was a crap ton of info there, from the actual plot & habitat stuff to deer stand ideas & plans. Basically anything deer hunting related would turn up at least 1 result from there.

Hopefully we can have the same here. I dont see it as "idolizing" THAT place, but sharing info. Heck, they aint getting a dime from me now or ever.

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Let the QDM thing go. Let's discus deer and habitat and leave the political junk out of it.

I usually call it the "old forum" because some get stirred up.

People have a right to feel hard at the path the old forum took, just when you go off on them it would be easier to listen too if you didn't leave newcomers wondering if that is directed toward them. QDMA, Users, Threads

I read the OP and wondered if I was hearing - We Don't Need Your Kind 'round here. Now I don't think that was the meaning, but I am looking to be a better habitat manager.

Habitat ain't a hot button phrase that I know of.
Yeah geez i must be missing something but I thought we all enjoyed the same things Habitat work, hunting, fishing and everything the outdoors has to offer. Yeah i found QDMA originally because of those interests. I did not know that being a QDMA member (not for much longer though) made one a bad guy! But i am certainly getting that feeling from this thread? Those posting the valuable information from the QDMA Forum onto this forum are only improving this site for people looking for the priceless knowledge given on QDMA over the years. I can't see how that would annoy anyone? Oh well, like i said, I must be missing something. I am just glad to still have a source to g to for valuable information. Thank you for this forum and i look forward to being apart of it for years to come.
Maybe we can set up a "Safe Place" thread where all of those highly offended by "QDM" can go to get counseling ... :rolleyes:
Just like the video clip said, "Sometimes dead is better."

Oh its dead! closed up tighter than a bulls Rectum in fly season! LOL
Just tried google search, HT was #9.

The search engine algorithms are very complex. They include individual history and tracking. If you just use your normal browser and don't take extraordinary steps, different folks will get different results.

To be clear, my purpose of including "Transferred from QDMA Forums" was to properly cite source material. My purpose for moving the threads was both for continuing on-line access to important information that many members here contributed to and to provide more search engine hits. I don't expect many folks query on QDM and even less on QDMA. It is the words in the content of the posts that I expect will bring folks here.

Yes, I did start by bringing over threads I started. It was simply because they were the ones I was most interested in. After I was done with that, I started looking for threads that I thought had some important information. There was not intent of self-promotion. I'm not in the industry, don't sell anything, and have turned down pro-staff offers. My only purpose is to learn from folks ahead of me (of which there are many) and from those who have tried different paths, and to help folks where I can who are newer to this than I am. If that offends some, while it is not my intent, I can live with it.

No hard feelings on my end form anything that folks have said here.


Let's let the other site die and make this site GREAT!!! This means sharing information and being personable. I know there were tons of info shared at the other site that has been moved over and most of that info is INVALUABLE. Forget about the LOGO and let's HELP one another make our habitat and food plots the VERY BEST they can be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My last post was from eastern PA. Just crossed into Indiana.

Thanks all for not letting this thread spiral.

I like the idea of calling it the old forum. No reason we should be advertising for someone else.

I can globally change a word on existing or new post. Indulge my selfishness for another 2 - 3 weeks and I'll make it go away.
This isn't a research paper. I don't think you need to cite source material.

I don't know about you, but I think it is bad form to copy large blocks of information from one source and include it in another place without crediting the original source. There is no formal citation. It is simply civil behavior as I see things. Other than irritating a few with a chip (and they will get over it) I see little downside to crediting the source. While I wish it had been less irritating to some, I still comfortable with the decision to transfer the threads.


I can say if it wasn't for Stu, I wouldn't be here. He personally reached out to me to have me come over. I let my membership expire and have no plans on renewing it anytime soon. I really hope that the help that is provided is guidance from experts like Stu and MoBuck.. People that helped put this site on the map and more importantly gave it some well founded directional leadership. Unfortunately some misguided and quick words were taken to heart and those experts were lost for a while. But, I learned a long time ago, I always carry positive intent from the post and try to make my myself smile. But, when people attack families there are lines that are crossed. I never saw those lines crossed where it's irreversible, I love reading your posts stu!! I know you will hate when I say this.. but there was a guy on QDMA that you guys locked horns at every turn, they were brilliant posts and rebuttals. I don't recall his "avatar", but as it sits today. This site and most of the people posting, have been affected by you in some way shape or form. Mine, every time I walk outside of my camp I look at your gift. thank you for the trees.. but more importantly thanks for coming back.
Is it just me, or is there just one guy hell bent on copying large blocks of old useless information from a now defunct old site, to a good new site that has all the same useful info on the site already?

Edit: I see Stu beat me too it!
If this was applied consistently, we'd be seeing Paul Knox's name cited on a huge number of threads and posts on most any habitat related forum. When talking about fruit trees we'd be seeing maya and Ben Hooper's names. So much of what I see is simply taken from folks like that and repeated. Get over it, the old forums are gone. The information that was there was certainly of some value...but it isn't like that knowledge isn't possessed elsewhere.

And we should. Paul was a great contributor and I think anytime someone does a cut and paste from his posts on a forum or from his web site they should absolutely credit him! I would say I see "LC" as almost as common an abbreviation on posts as seed abbreviations!


Is it just me, or is there just one guy hell bent on copying large blocks of old useless information from a now defunct old site, to a good new site that has all the same useful info on the site already?

Edit: I see Stu beat me too it!

Come on boys....who's got the rope? :D
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