Another deer whisperer

I don't have a problem with the soggy bottom management crew or whatever they call themselves. Anybody with half a brain could spend a year or so reading every land management, food plotting, and growing big bucks books out there that we all have in our libraries. Reading this and other forums for that length of time will also give one a solid background into just about everything that goes into managing habitat for whitetail deer. It's not rocket science. I think these guys are, at most, just guilty of a naive, youthful enthusiasm. Hey, if they can actually get somebody to hire them to check their trail cameras for them and send them the pics the more power to them!

Their website is kind of goofy obviously. Maybe it wasn't meant to go live yet? Really, it looks and reads like a high school computer science project. It needs some serious editing for content, grammar, and spelling. Again…I think they are just guilty of a wide-eyed, youthful enthusiasm.

A little too much "giddy up" and not enough "WHOA!"
Out of respect for everyone else I will only say this. Pawns in a game of chess are disposable. I know you are a just a kid, still trying to compare yourself to the other boys in the shower. I don't need to compare myself young man, I have my own shower.
Good luck applying your whitetail knowledge and trying to make a buck. comes the Dark Side. All starts with guys posting there names, then there web sites, then all they talk about is how good they are at there job then anyone else, pimp this pimp that! I love it! I am all for everyone on here doing there thing. But keep the F*ucking click on my website buttons off of here! JMO!
PSD(post season depression) has kicked in. ;)
I think a signature is like a gun, point it in a safe direction and treat it like it is loaded and all is good.
Out of respect for everyone else I will only say this. Pawns in a game of chess are disposable. I know you are a just a kid, still trying to compare yourself to the other boys in the shower. I don't need to compare myself young man, I have my own shower.
Good luck applying your whitetail knowledge and trying to make a buck.

Dipper ... while my verbiage may be different than yours, I agree with the sentiment. I have bought and sold over 10 properties and am constantly amazed at how realtors over commit. I am no expert but completely understand where you are coming from. Outside realtors, brokers, agents, etc .. who drive up land prices on potential, with no appraisal basis to support it.

Mr YoungGun had a thread here or on another site where he was desperately looking for a fast growing screen of pines ... my impression was a road screen of 10" plus feet in a couple of years. Did he over commit to a client? Very easy to ride these sites and become an "expert" in habitat manipulation ... at least enough to sound good to perspective "buyers" ...

If a realtor says you can "dig a pond or waterhole" do they understand wetland rules enough to know that permits may be required?

We have all experienced realtors who have made over exaggerated claims ... especially on vacant land sales.

I don't know Jake at Weiss Realty or have ever done business with him. I trust & hope he is a ethical guy. He called you out ... his choice ... maybe this is a good body check for him to climb that learning curve ... for any of you who wonder how this affects you, just look at why you property tax bill keeps going up every year ... inflating land purchase values beyond local appraisals does not help anyone ;)

Good to know. When I develop my website promoting abortion rights, eliminating the right to bear arms, or promoting radical Islam...its good to know you'll be in favor of me adding it to my tagline ;)

That made me chuckle. I'm all in favor of a no signature plug rule, they just don't bother me if they exist.
Time for hugs before this goes South.

Tree Spud, YG was asking that question in regards to his own property. I have actually said in that past that I am not a good enough liar to be a realtor, politician or a corporate executive so take that for what it's worth. With that said I am neutral to realtors because I don't think it's wise to cast stones at people I have not personally had dealings with and I take it as my responsibility to really find out about a property (the property tax issue could be a never ending rant because it's for so many reasons). I'm not going to speak about this agency's clients having good or bad experiences because I'm sure there has been both over the years. In regards to what was brought up here, YG's agency is in my area and I am not aware of them ever claiming to be habitat guru's but that doesn't mean they cannot suggest to their clients what could possibly be done. I see this like a car salesperson, they are no mechanic but some have enough experience to make some suggestions.

My hope here is that we can keep anyone and everyone from getting upset and keep our focus on improving habitat and the deer hunting experience.
I have a lot of respect for all of you guys on here. I owe all I have learned to you guys and LC because forums were the resource I used to educate myself. Dipper's right, I'm just a kid, I'm 24, but damn I love hunting and sharing my passion with others. I'm not the best hunter out there, I never claimed to be, hell I've only shot one 4 year old, but I love surrounding myself with people who are passionate about it as I am. A lot of people have no idea there is a whole new world out there about habitat improvements, and LC has motivated me to share his message.

Here's the reason I got into real estate. My Dad and I looked for 3 years for a property before finding our 105 acre farm. I had so much fun looking for properties, we finally found the one we wanted, and are now trying to turn it into something special. I had so much fun, I wanted to help others do the exact same thing. After we bought the farm I started learning about all of these improvements, that I learned from you guys & LC, I took it and ran with it and have had an absolute blast. I want to share that with others, that's all.

It honestly never crossed my mind that putting websites or plugs in your signature was an issue. I saw others doing it, figured it was the norm. I see how that can cause issues. Mine's gone, let's talk habitat and big bucks.
I have a lot of respect for all of you guys on here. I owe all I have learned to you guys and LC because forums were the resource I used to educate myself. Dipper's right, I'm just a kid, I'm 24, but damn I love hunting and sharing my passion with others. I'm not the best hunter out there, I never claimed to be, hell I've only shot one 4 year old, but I love surrounding myself with people who are passionate about it as I am. A lot of people have no idea there is a whole new world out there about habitat improvements, and LC has motivated me to share his message.

Here's the reason I got into real estate. My Dad and I looked for 3 years for a property before finding our 105 acre farm. I had so much fun looking for properties, we finally found the one we wanted, and are now trying to turn it into something special. I had so much fun, I wanted to help others do the exact same thing. After we bought the farm I started learning about all of these improvements, that I learned from you guys & LC, I took it and ran with it and have had an absolute blast. I want to share that with others, that's all.

It honestly never crossed my mind that putting websites or plugs in your signature was an issue. I saw others doing it, figured it was the norm. I see how that can cause issues. Mine's gone, let's talk habitat and big bucks.

I will tell you this kid. By putting this statement out you may have changed the perception we had of you. People will find your business soon enough because of your character, demeanor and honesty. No one wants to be bullshitted and the guys on here will pick you apart like a crow on road kill if they think you are full of crap! Contribute first, push your business second! Good Luck and I mean that!
That post ^^^ just made my day!
IMHO-Your all right kid! GO GET'em! From my point of view, compared to most of your generation you are wayyyyy ahead of the curve. Your initiative is what this country needs more of!!! Knocked down, stood up, dusted off, and continued on!

Ain't that the truth!

Your 24 with a job, not sitting in your parents basement blogging about what's wrong with America or playing X box. Cudo's kid your going to make it.
Ain't that the truth!

Your 24 with a job, not sitting in your parents basement blogging about what's wrong with America or playing X box. Cudo's kid your going to make it.

I'm 24 with a wife, a mortgage, another kid on the way, and I gotta find time to manage my farm the way I want to ;) Most of my friends think I'm nuts, I think some of them are nuts for pushing off responsibility and the real world as long as possible.

Bill, I like your avatar.
I'm 24 with a wife, a mortgage, another kid on the way, and I gotta find time to manage my farm the way I want to ;) Most of my friends think I'm nuts, I think some of them are nuts for pushing off responsibility and the real world as long as possible.

Bill, I like your avatar.

Now I know you fit in here!;)