Another deer whisperer

Mo- if your looking for a partner in this realm, please give me a call:D
My teacher growing up tried giving me a d in a career class growing up because I wanted to be a brew master. You know how much they make? Look at the demand? She thought I wasn't taking the class seriously. I was forced to give up on my dream and that life choice still haunts me.
I could have been the richest person around if I wanted to be a deer habitat consultant. I can't imagine what she would have done to me, I wouldn't have avoided an f with that. Damn mrs fox! She was nice to look at, I think she really wanted me.......
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My teacher growing up tried giving me a d in a career class growing up because I wanted to be a brew master. You know how much they make? Look at the demand? She thought I wasn't taking the class seriously. I was forced to give up on my dream and that life choice still haunts me.
I could have been the richest person around if I wanted to be a deer habitat consultant. I can't imagine what she would have done to me, I wouldn't have avoided an f with that. Damn mrs fox! She was nice to look at, I think she really wanted me.......

That is why, after one month in the tenth grade I left. I finally figured out I was smarter than 90% of the teachers in that place!
You could look at it as a purely philosophical question, but I look at it from a moral standpoint. I could not in good conscience blow that much smoke up anyone @$$ and still be able to sleep at night. I guess that is why he sells books and seminars about "dream deer" and I do not. I guess I actually dream about those deer and since he can't sleep, he writes books?

Many years ago, when I was still just on the edge of breaking into this industry, I had an established "expert" try to take me under his wing. One of the bits of advice he tried hardest to pass on to me is as follows, "Steve, we are in the business of selling the dream of killing trophy bucks to hunters. It doesn't matter if what we are telling them works or not. The product is them buying the dream."

I'm not going to mention his name, as I owe him that much for going out of his way to try to help me. In fact, he did help me in several other ways. I was much younger and far more naïve at the time, but even then realized that was a quick ticket to the top, but you better be braking yourself for a long, bumpy ride to the bottom, as it is certainly going to follow as soon as people realize they were sold smoke and mirrors.

I know nothing of the guys running the "deer whisperer" site. I didn't do anything more than glance at who they are (didn't look at what they offer or how it's promoted). That said, it probably isn't that much different than what I do for the long term clients. they may be great at what they do. I have no clue either way. My comments were just on the D.I.E. product, as I did sit through most of his seminar...It honestly threw me off to the point that I had to fight myself not to give my views on everything that had been covered the 50 mins before me. That said, when I hear ANYONE tell me or an audience that you give them 5-7 days and they'll kill the biggest buck on that property, without including a hour long list of conditions/qualifiers that must be met for that to happen, my mind literally screams BS...I'd think BS with the list of qualifiers, but give them the benefit of the doubt that they may be that much better than I am and know things I don't (I'm NOT stupid enough to believe I'm the very best ever or that there aren't all sorts of things I haven't learned yet)...without a llloooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg list of qualifiers, I can't even give the benefit of the doubt.
I want to go on public record right now.

IF I EVER become that arrogant about my abilities as this guy - Drive to my house and KICK MY ASS!!!!
This could be your funniest post ever. I just spit out my drink.
1) Lazy people with money will pay for almost anything. 2) People with money to blow and little time will pay for the dirty work to be done. Really if the guys with the first link are trying to make it, I'm not sure how else they should market themselves other than to spin things a little so I can't fault them there. They will learn the way of trip by fire and hopefully they have some success with client properties. Now this other DIE program snake oil salesperson...HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!
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Hmmm, if I look at the harvest photos I would say many were the prince and not the king, lots of 3 yr olds (Looking at the DIE website).
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I must be missing something. I don't see any talk about "deer whisperer" or any harvest pics of deer or any super brash claims. Looka like vanilla pudding to me. We looking at the same site?
I must be missing something. I don't see any talk about "deer whisperer" or any harvest pics of deer or any super brash claims. Looka like vanilla pudding to me. We looking at the same site?
Sorry I was referring to the other site posted, not the one from the original post.
I wish these newcomers all the luck, really they just want to live out the dream of working in the outdoors.
I wish these newcomers all the luck, really they just want to live out the dream of working in the outdoors.

Yep, me too! At least he is working!
I will say this, there are a lot of people out there that don't have the time, motivation, or they just don't know a thing about deer habitat and the possibilities out there. Not everybody is a die hard like we are about this stuff. I show property to people that think wide open hardwoods is awesome habitat. I explain to them that it is not, it's more of a biological desert and you will have deer passing through and not living there. If you open the canopy up it's going to turn into quality deer habitat, and as a result the hunting will be improved. It's not rocket science, but some people have never been exposed to it. 10 years ago I hunted some spots I would never hunt now. Everybody is new to this at some point, and might need some guidance.

I help some of my clients set their properties up that they purchase from me because I love sharing what I have learned. Do I think I'm god's gift to deer hunting? No, Paul Knox was, but sharing what I learned from LC is common sense stuff that everybody can pick up on, but sometimes you have to be the bridge to begin to educate people and get them started. They will pick it up and run with it if they care deeply enough about it. This guy could have gained a lot of his knowledge from reading LC's stuff as well, do you think LC would be bashing this guy for trying to start up a company similar to what LC did? Not trying to stir the pot, but let the guy do what he wants, if he loves the outdoors and wants to try to have a career doing that, let him be.

The best salesmen believe in what they do and are passionate about it. Sometimes it can come across as being arrogant, but confidence will take you a long ways in the business world.
Sounds like you have some very stupid clients. you are exactly right, people are naive, and uneducated why not make money on that. im sure you are just trying to educate people for the sake of helping them. Habitat improvements are never used as a sales pitch. They don't have anything to do with every single penny you are trying to exploit. Your just a salesman out there trying to help people.
Haha realators are the biggest slime there is. You are no exception. I've seen your sale's pitches on wolf and bear infested land, you market as whitetail paradise. Crooked!
Since you Decided to solve the worlds problems, what do you do exactly? I know you like to lie and try to sell land up north for an inflated price. Are you a wanna be whitetail properties or mossy oak properties? Do you tell potiental sellers your knowledge and skill will be well worth your increased commission? Buyers-you are a big buck hunter yourself, and you know this place is the place to kill a big buck? Please enlighten me since we are all improving our lives.
What is really funny is their "Senior Land Management Specialist" is a early 20 something new graduate from UW-SP. Glad my brokerage firm doesn't have "Senior" management like that. LOL
I also love their pines they used to "break up the food plot" to make deer feel safe, they are completely branchless for the bottom 4' and are 20' apart. LMAO

LOL, you must be with a more local outfit then, a lot of banks, brokerage, finance and accounting firms like to give out titles like that too. There are always a ton of vice president positions at banks. It also reminds me of a lot of college classmates that work at big regional, national, and international accounting firms. If you stick it out for two years they call you a senior accountant because the turnover is so high a more impressive job title helps a few extra stick around.
I don't have a problem with the creek bottom land management guys, it seems like there is some extra B.S. there to sell there services but elmer fudd needs someone to help him out.

Based on that Bob Mercier ad it seems like his seminar should be how to be a Dbag 101.
Sounds like you have some very stupid clients. you are exactly right, people are naive, and uneducated why not make money on that. im sure you are just trying to educate people for the sake of helping them. Habitat improvements are never used as a sales pitch. They don't have anything to do with every single penny you are trying to exploit. Your just a salesman out there trying to help people.
Haha realators are the biggest slime there is. You are no exception. I've seen your sale's pitches on wolf and bear infested land, you market as whitetail paradise. Crooked!
Since you Decided to solve the worlds problems, what do you do exactly? I know you like to lie and try to sell land up north for an inflated price. Are you a wanna be whitetail properties or mossy oak properties? Do you tell potiental sellers your knowledge and skill will be well worth your increased commission? Buyers-you are a big buck hunter yourself, and you know this place is the place to kill a big buck? Please enlighten me since we are all improving our lives.

Realtor's are no different than anyone in sales, you have those in the business that have to or choose to be optimistic and some that a crooked liars. They are paid to promote what they are selling plain and simple. How many listings would one have if they put on the listing, "This place is ok, you might shoot a couple spike here and a six pt. if you are lucky."

I've met building contractors, mechanics, doctor's, lawyers and business owners who all can be put into the same class from good to bad (some have ripped me off) so that was an unfair statement directed at YG.
I'm sure a lot of people up North who are on the losing end of property right now and I'm sure when they sell they are trying to maximize what they can still get out of it. They are not going to sell for more than what someone is willing to pay and if it sits idle, the price will fall.
Sounds like you have some very stupid clients. you are exactly right, people are naive, and uneducated why not make money on that. im sure you are just trying to educate people for the sake of helping them. Habitat improvements are never used as a sales pitch. They don't have anything to do with every single penny you are trying to exploit. Your just a salesman out there trying to help people.
Haha realators are the biggest slime there is. You are no exception. I've seen your sale's pitches on wolf and bear infested land, you market as whitetail paradise. Crooked!
Since you Decided to solve the worlds problems, what do you do exactly? I know you like to lie and try to sell land up north for an inflated price. Are you a wanna be whitetail properties or mossy oak properties? Do you tell potiental sellers your knowledge and skill will be well worth your increased commission? Buyers-you are a big buck hunter yourself, and you know this place is the place to kill a big buck? Please enlighten me since we are all improving our lives.

I knew you'd post something just like this in response to what I said.

A father who wants an opportunity to spend time with his kids, and get into hunting, but is not an "expert" like you is not a "stupid client". They want to have a place of their own, make memories, , something for his kids to do other than sitting in front of a TV playing video games, spend some time in god's country, and have a reason to get away from work. What is so wrong with me helping that guy find what he is looking for?

As for inflated prices, sellers set the list price 95% of the time.

As for increased commission, we charge 6%, WP does 8 or 9%.

As for me being a wannabe WP or MOP guy, I had a third interview scheduled with Whitetail Properties right after I graduated from college a year and a half ago. During that process I was offered to go to work for Weiss Realty, I called Whitetail Properties and told them I was withdrawing my application. Weiss has a much larger presence in my area, and that's why I chose to go with them. Wouldn't change my decision at all. We are the local guys, and have built a solid reputation.

A lot of my clients in Northern Wisconsin shot bigger bucks than I saw you post up this year. Give them food and quality cover and you have the opportunity to harvest some pretty damn nice bucks in Northern Wisconsin. Is it my first choice of where to hunt? No, but there are a lot of people who shoot some good bucks consistently up there. I'd rather hunt a lot of the properties I have listed in Northern Wisconsin than your overpopulated farm where you can't get a tree to grow.

As for the reason I sell hunting land. The best relationships I have built over my lifetime have been with people who enjoy hunting as much as I do. The memories I have made with friends and family while hunting are far more important than any buck I've ever shot. I shot a 130" buck on public land in Duluth MN my sophomore year of college. My 4 roommates and I tracked him together in the dark, and we went and celebrated how college kids do. It was a Tuesday night, and none of us went to class on Wednesday. That's what it's about, sharing those memories with others, because they don't happen nearly enough. I see fellow hunters as some of the best people out there, and to have an opportunity to surround myself with people like that on a daily basis would provide me with a very gratifying career, and I know Dipper won't believe me but it's not about the money. I want to help enable people to create the same kind of memories, I have been fortunate enough to make, with their friends and family. At the end of the day it's about friends and family, period.
And actually habitat improvements are a huge part of my sales pitch. It's not about what a property is today, it's about what you can turn it into. Log, Hinge cut, food plots, water holes, tree planting, etc. It improves the hunting, and adds value to a property. Trust me, you can sell a manicured deer parcel for a hell of a lot more money than the next door neighbors place that has no improvements.

Dip, if you're going to be negative go back to QDMA.
Guys please, please, please - lets not escalate this!

Personal opinions are one thing, but attacking each other is not going to solve anything. In fact it only creates more trouble. Many of us have left sites because of the mud flinging, name calling and finger pointing. We got a good thing here - lets not ruin it with this type of activity.
Johnny 2014 ML.JPG Johnny 2014 rifle.JPG Christine 2014 rifle.JPG
I will say this, there are a lot of people out there that don't have the time, motivation, or they just don't know a thing about deer habitat and the possibilities out there. Not everybody is a die hard like we are about this stuff. I show property to people that think wide open hardwoods is awesome habitat. I explain to them that it is not, it's more of a biological desert and you will have deer passing through and not living there. If you open the canopy up it's going to turn into quality deer habitat, and as a result the hunting will be improved. It's not rocket science, but some people have never been exposed to it. 10 years ago I hunted some spots I would never hunt now. Everybody is new to this at some point, and might need some guidance.


You mean its not?

I must admit we bought our place last January and other than seeing some rubs and tracks had no idea we were buying a gold mine. Bought it from my Aunt who hadn't set foot on it in 10 years with no realtor involved. Did all the insurance and attorney title search stuff, have one neighbor way too close and the others not far enough away and county road splits the south 40 and with the fence project the only habitat work I got to do was a small dozed clover plot and a waterhole on the south 40... Wife and I killed these on the north 40 and it is pretty open when we got them with the leaf drop and all... Acorns are King in our country and I had just as soon lose an eye as take out the oaks when we are having results like this... The deer bed on the open ridges on our place... These pictures are very representative of our place... The neighbors hunted it like it was public hunting for over 20 years...

Only reason I mention this is because 1 size does not fit all on whitetail properties...