Another deer whisperer

Too funny dipper, deer whisperer. LMAO The least they could have done was finish their website before they started using for their business.:rolleyes: "Pssstt, (in whispered tones) Hey Mr. Big Buck if you follow this trail up the ridge, I left a nice tidy bed for you to lay in under that tree I just hinge cut." Daddy was probably in the Local Operators Union and Jr. went to "LumberJack U" and now they are experts on all things whitetail. Go figure.
All they need is a BOB product line ... ;)
Nobody is full of beans more than Bob Mercier AKA Mr. Dominance is Everything.

What is really funny is their "Senior Land Management Specialist" is a early 20 something new graduate from UW-SP. Glad my brokerage firm doesn't have "Senior" management like that. LOL
I also love their pines they used to "break up the food plot" to make deer feel safe, they are completely branchless for the bottom 4' and are 20' apart. LMAO
Wow BJE, that is really something. I hadn't heard of this fellow until your post. Probably figured if TL could do so could he. Greedy b@st@rd requires you to by one of his books to even attend the seminar. "Modifications will not be discussed", pay me more money and we can discuss them? WTF? #14 and #19, really funny. #14, "My way is the only way that will put big bucks on your wall", hahahahahahahaha! WOW conceited much? Damn! The "King" is all relative. He's the one scent checking all the does in the food plot that is not getting his @$$ kicked by another buck....until he gets his @$$ kicked by another buck, then he must be just a lowly prince. This thread has at least given me a good laugh today.
I am particularly fond of this part of the website.

I quote:

"I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you."
Nobody is full of beans more than Bob Mercier AKA Mr. Dominance is Everything.

I gave a seminar a couple yrs ago after him in Madison....I'll just say this and shut up....WOW, it literally blew my mind and left me nearly speechless, which is an issue when you are about to talk to an audience for 50 mins. It honestly threw me for a loop.
Did you know they provide a trail camera and mineral site service? How hard is it to dump a mineral on the ground or strap a camera to a tree? Why would I want to hire someone to stink up my woods more than I do on my own? Checking my camera and email the pictures? No chance.

I am not against hiring a consultant. I would be interested in doing it myself but I'd rather spend my limited funds on something else. But if I ever do become rich enough to hire one, it won't be these guys. Now that I think about it, if I am that rich, I'll just buy better deer property.
I am particularly fond of this part of the website.

I quote:

"I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you."

I also like "I'm a title. click here to edit me". They are pretty good at reading I would love to see how well they follow the recommendations on a soil test.....who wants to place money on IF they soil test???lol I have a case of cheap beer on "no they dont soil test".
I just want to say one thing -

#12 Role-playing with the king!!!!

Everybody, raise just the left part of your upper lip pivot at the hips and repeat after me, "Thank ya, thank ya very much"
I'd like him to point out some of the "Territory of the King's" on some of the 30 year old red pine plantations I hunt in Juneau Co. :rolleyes:
seems more likely to be role playing with a queen!
I also like "I'm a title. click here to edit me". They are pretty good at reading I would love to see how well they follow the recommendations on a soil test.....who wants to place money on IF they soil test???lol I have a case of cheap beer on "no they dont soil test".
Maybe not, but I will bet my bottom dollar they pour the fertilizer to the ground and charge you through the @$$ for it.
If he can be the Deer whisperer, I want to be the Beer Whisperer!

And yes there is a market for these kind of guys, and they stay busy!
As an entrepreneur, I say go get'em boys. Capitalism is a GREAT thing but I do have a philosophical question...

When does high self confidence become complete and utter arrogance. This may be an example of that or not.:D

And to J-birds comment, love it. I always tell people, when describing myself, the only thing that surpasses my arrogance is my ignorance
You could look at it as a purely philosophical question, but I look at it from a moral standpoint. I could not in good conscience blow that much smoke up anyone @$$ and still be able to sleep at night. I guess that is why he sells books and seminars about "dream deer" and I do not. I guess I actually dream about those deer and since he can't sleep, he writes books?
I gave a seminar a couple yrs ago after him in Madison....I'll just say this and shut up....WOW, it literally blew my mind and left me nearly speechless, which is an issue when you are about to talk to an audience for 50 mins. It honestly threw me for a loop.


Pretty sure I was there at that time you speak of. I sat through his garbarge and then listened to you afterwards. I almost walked out during his talk.