My amish experiences. Dad would shop the local farmers market and bring home baked goods that were almost as good as my grammy's. Have lot's of friends who served in Viet Nam and almost every one will not purchase amish goods since they would not serve. Yes, they do pay taxes- I googled it. Couple years ago a huge gang (over 30) came to our area where we hunt. They decided to make a drive through one of our swamps. It had become so nasty we, ourselves, hadn't pushed it for years other than to track a wounded bear or two. Well these guys started around 10 am and we could still hear them yelling at 4 pm. No shooting was done, they were indeed lost. Funny thing is they never came back again to our area. You could tell when they showed up-always in crew cab construction trucks, and outfitted with the very best hunt duds Cabelas had to offer. I used to have a Cabelas card and used it to get free stuff with the "points". Talking with a Cabelas clerk one time , she stated my accumulated points was miniscule to what the Amish customers accrue. No amish in my immediate area, but most of the old timers do speak PA Dutch of which I can understand a "bissel".