
Around here cream cheese with jalapeño relish is called "cowboy caviar". I can eat myself sick with it. Just can't stop!
Me too!
Lots of Amis or Mennonites in our area. Seems about half drive buggies, while the other have drive gas vehicles. Lots of different businesses they have, construction, sawmill, lumber yard, furniture building, grocery store, bakery, produce stands.....

The lumber yard is expensive, but close so comes in handy at times. All natural lighting and no credit card machines, or electric cash register.

My wife loves the grocery store and bakery. We get all our ground beef and bacon from the grocery store. Also no electric in the stores.

Our house, barn, and pole building were originally built by the Amish. An owner between them and us added electricity. Framing of the house is outstanding. Studs are a full 2x4", roughcut, and extremely hard. All the wood in the barn is the same way. Broken screws and drill bits, and bent nails are plentiful when I've tried to remodel.
My mom’s uncle hunted with us years ago and he told us to never eat Amish food or we will get sick!

He was some type of delivery man for a farm store in southwest wisconsin. He would go inside their house to have them sign the paperwork and he said the women would be kneading dough in their kitchen while wearing aprons that still had cow sh!t on them from morning chores.

He wouldn’t let them use his pen to sign the paperwork since he didn’t want sh!t on his pen!
You guys can be afraid of a few germs, but I prefer to ingest them and boost my immune system. I've had the flu once since 2016 and never got COVID. You tell me who's winning.
I’ve had a good run too Roy. I attribute my success to Kefer yogurt, a few Miller Lites and medicinal double oaked bourbon. I have a house full right now and two of them are sick so we’ll see. Probably just jinxed myself.

In all seriousness this is a really informative thread. We’ve never had Amish in our area but have some moving in pretty close.
I guess you either love goat cheese or hate it . I can't stomach it as too me it has the smell and taste of a barn full of goat crap and hay. I was at a hipster restaurant and tried it on my burger and I was gagging. Almost as bad as the Spanish mackerel at the sushi restaurant in KC.
No love for the Amish here. I could go on a major rant but i'll just leave it as is.
Unless they were starting a colony next door to my hunting land..
A 400 acre tract was sold a couple miles from one of our hunting properties. It was listed for $1,200,000. Used to be pretty decent hunting. We’d Turkey hunt the neighboring 160. Now there are a half dozen compounds and sheds on the property scattered all over.
So now that we have almost 4 full pages, I went back through and read every post. Based on what I read, you could say the exact same thing for any other group including us on this board.
Yep - it's always the "other guy" who's the azz-pole.
I don't really know of any other groups that are blatant enough to attempt to milk every dime from an area but never step foot inside the English owned businesses. Maybe everyone else has blinders on but I'll cruise right on by every Amish run store to buy my goods elsewhere. Once the money goes in, it never comes back out.
Full confession here .......... I don't eat their baked goods either. Just the fresh produce they grow. Not saying the baked things are bad ...... just being cautious!!
I have sticky buns and a pie in the fridge now. They use gas pizza ovens to cook at the bakery I go to. I've heard in Western Perry County there is a farm that you can buy fresh made ice cream. I need to go find that place.
I don't really know of any other groups that are blatant enough to attempt to milk every dime from an area but never step foot inside the English owned businesses. Maybe everyone else has blinders on but I'll cruise right on by every Amish run store to buy my goods elsewhere. Once the money goes in, it never comes back out.
What are you talking about? I'm an english owned business and probably 30% of my work is from Amish customers. That may be one of the most ignorant statements I've seen in a while. And I've been on the internet quite a bit.
I’ve had good luck dealing with them! I like them around here a lot.

But I dunno about military service…….

I dunno how they look at global relationships.
What are you talking about? I'm an english owned business and probably 30% of my work is from Amish customers. That may be one of the most ignorant statements I've seen in a while. And I've been on the internet quite a bit.

I'm a generation removed from it...

I speak the language fluently, and was raised in a Mennonite church.

That doesn't exactly make you a particularly good example to support your argument.
That doesn't exactly make you a particularly good example to support your argument.
The fact that I live in the area, deal with them every day, am NOT amish and my wife wears tight pants makes me Amish?

You can think what you want, it's not illegal. But saying "they don't spend money outside of their community" couldn't be more wrong. I see it every day. You think amish own feed mills, trucking companies, etc? Cmon man...
The fact that I live in the area, deal with them every day, am NOT amish and my wife wears tight pants makes me Amish?

You can think what you want, it's not illegal. But saying "they don't spend money outside of their community" couldn't be more wrong. I see it every day. You think amish own feed mills, trucking companies, etc? Cmon man...

Kinda hit the nail on the head there at the end. I've worn about every hat there is in the construction industry and there's nothing ignorant in my stance. The only time the Amish are going to pay an English man for work is when they don't have the capabilities to perform the task within the community. That's fair. I have no issue with that. Just don't get your drawers wound up because I'm not going to patronize groups that operate with such bias.
I have a friend who owned a small business forever in a neighborhood that over the last 30 years turned into a Hispanic neighborhood. My friend is "the whitest guy you'll meet", but spoke passable Spanish. That fact was HUGE in him being able to not only stay open but thrive, where the other shops on the street all slowly went out of business, replaced by Spanish speaking, Latino owned stores. That's my point, I'm sure they're far more willing to do business with you than other "English", given the choice.