
Years ago, the local Amish put out a page in the amish paper of all the companies the amish owned in the area. The amount of horse shoeing, building fences and Amish cabinet making was insane. Idk how any of them make a living when every other Amish family has the same job.
I've also witnessed the abuse the amish do to their horses. Watched one amish guy on the road whip and beat his horse cause it wouldn't co-operate. Also have seen a horse sweating when it was 0 degrees out cause they had Sunday church. Tell me with an honest face if a normal human did either of those 2 that we wouldn't end up in jail and have the horse taken away. The amish don't have laws as far as I'm concerned.
And just 1 more rant to add to it. The township where our land is in re-did a black top road. In a matter of a week, it was damaged due to horse shoes and steel wheels from the buggies.
Years ago, the local Amish put out a page in the amish paper of all the companies the amish owned in the area. The amount of horse shoeing, building fences and Amish cabinet making was insane. Idk how any of them make a living when every other Amish family has the same job.
They sure do own a shitload of land for doing jobs that really aren’t top income producers. Makes you wonder what’s going on
They sure do own a shitload of land for doing jobs that really aren’t top income producers. Makes you wonder what’s going on
I bet it has something to do with their expenses being a fraction of what you and I think is normal.
I bet it has something to do with their expenses being a fraction of what you and I think is normal.
Maybe but even with zero expenses and grinding out a net $100k a year (takes a lot of produce and horse shoes and barn builds to do) you have a hard time buying 7 figure land in cash
Maybe but even with zero expenses and grinding out a net $100k a year (takes a lot of produce and horse shoes and barn builds to do) you have a hard time buying 7 figure land in cash
Do they pool their money like the Hindu families do?? IDK.
Do they pool their money like the Hindu families do?? IDK.
Very possible. Only one name on the deed per onx but who knows what they have worked out under the table. I could see that leading to all kinds of drama though.
Do they pool their money like the Hindu families do?? IDK.
The local Amish in my area, I know some pretty well. Yes they pool their money, recently 13 families bought 600 acres a few miles from me. They also totally do not mind to take on large debt from English local banks. They pretty much max out their borrowing power to buy what they want.
Amish mafia? Is that a thing? I never watched the show.

Arthur IL is my states largest concentration. They made some good peanut butter down there. It was blended with marshmallow. Just looked up online and saw an Amish tiktoker making it and she kept sticking her finger in it to taste it. Hmm. Bill you might want to avoid that place.

You guys remember the Amish Lucky buck? Shot ~20 years ago. Pics showed the deer coming out on the horse drawn wagon. Haha
The local Amish in my area, I know some pretty well. Yes they pool their money, recently 13 families bought 600 acres a few miles from me. They also totally do not mind to take on large debt from English local banks. They pretty much max out their borrowing power to buy what they want.
Oh I didn’t realize they took on debt. Can’t drive a truck but can borrow money. That’s interesting
I bet it has something to do with their expenses being a fraction of what you and I think is normal.
And when they buy land it's typically for the community so more than one family is pitching in.
Amish mafia? Is that a thing? I never watched the show.

Arthur IL is my states largest concentration. They made some good peanut butter down there. It was blended with marshmallow. Just looked up online and saw an Amish tiktoker making it and she kept sticking her finger in it to taste it. Hmm. Bill you might want to avoid that place.

You guys remember the Amish Lucky buck? Shot ~20 years ago. Pics showed the deer coming out on the horse drawn wagon. Haha
Like every reality show it's overdramatized but the Amish are dwindling in numbers rapidly due to the children leaving the church and community. Local Amish barn parties for the youth are notorious to have drugs and alcohol. Not all but always a few.
Oh I didn’t realize they took on debt. Can’t drive a truck but can borrow money. That’s interesting
It's becoming more and more of a Christian denomination than fully separate belief system.

Why wouldn't they be allowed to take on debt and how does that correspond with driving a vehicle? I'm not being a smartazz, i'm legitimately asking.

They're humans just like all of us. We're influenced positively or negatively by our surroundings and upbringing.

As for owning land and having low paying jobs, some of the grunt workers have low paying jobs, but many own businesses just like the English and that's how they afford it.
It can be pretty expensive being Amish in some ways, if the church allows solar or battery powered stuff, they will spend a lot more per KWH for energy via solar or generator than we do being plugged into the grid.
They also don't have a $70,000 diesel truck to run around in, but the horses and buggies aren't exactly cheap. Generally, most are ok having 40-50% of their monthly income going towards a house on a 30 year mortgage. They just won't blow it at Red Lobster and Best Buy like a lot of folks do.

My hunting buddy is one of the sharpest guys I know. He says he'd rather have dirt and land than a bunch of cash in his pocket. Much like most of the guys here. They're not that different other than some of their visible differences. many are good solid family folks. there's some bad characters, but that's true across all cross sections of humanity.
I ride my mule/ horse when it’s freezing. They sweat……..

I ain’t in the greybar motel.
Much like most of the guys here. They're not that different other than some of their visible differences. many are good solid family folks. there's some bad characters, but that's true across all cross sections of humanity.

For the record I never said they were bad folks. Just don't trust the food..... The Amish that are friends with my Mennonite friend seem OK. Now based on reputation I wouldn't want a young family of 12 moving in next door to the farm. But I wouldn't want a young family of 12 in any religion moving in next to the farm.
OT kinda stuff.

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Jews are explicitly permitted to loan to non-Jews with interest.

Usury was disallowed in early Christian tradition and for centuries thereafter. The Catholic church and Martin Luther condemned usury.

Additionally, in the new testament, loaning money was generally not condoned by Jesus Christ. He said to give money and expect nothing in return.

I'm not debating whether any of this was right or wrong, and I'm not passing judgement. You asked why someone would think Amish were not allowed to loan money, so I was explaining why someone might think that.
I’ll tell you one thing. I’m not concerned with Amish committing any terrorism.

ETA: To think it’s so acceptable to denigrate and insult Amish while taboo to do so for other more violent cultures in our midst is a shame.
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I’ll tell you one thing. I’m not concerned with Amish committing any terrorism.

ETA: To think it’s so acceptable to denigrate and insult Amish while taboo to do so for other more violent cultures in our midst is a shame.
100%. Give me an “shadiness” from the Amish over someone from the religion of peace all day long and twice on Sunday.