AM Plum


5 year old buck +
Hey guys, gonna plant a couple fruit trees in my yard. I got some AM Plums coming from my local district coop tomorrow.

I am gonna plant most of them in my wild life orchard at the back of my property, however are they good to eat? Thought about maybe incorporating 1 or 2 in my personal orchard to eat.
I would plant them in a place where they have room to become a thicket. Put them at the back side of your orchard..
So tubing them isnt probably worth it?
The only reason I would tube them would be browse pressure. Our plums never get more than 10' tall, they are shrub like and will form thickets if allowed to. I personally dont enjoy eating them, they are pretty tart. I have had jelly made from them and that isnt bad.
With our deer numbers I can see them being eaten without tubes. Will they grow like a tree with a tube or do they just plain grow out rather than up?
With our deer numbers I can see them being eaten without tubes. Will they grow like a tree with a tube or do they just plain grow out rather than up?
Why not plant them about 6 foot apart and put a group exclosure around them. Let the thicket form for a few years.
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Good idea, i'll try that.
I have a few plums and some form thicket while others don't and some are about 15 feet tall and just were crazy with flowers and bees this year. Some are tart bit they are awesome To eat imho. I caged mine or they would have been deer food