Alberta Creek Bottom Buck

Really nice deer! Sounds like it was a great hunt!!!!!
Beast! I know you seen some really nice WI bucks, does the body on something like this dwarf them?

I wouldn't say they dwarf our deer as we get some large deer in various parts of the state. They are bigger on average though. A deer getting to 350-400 lbs in not uncommon and the 3 deer in camp were similar to mine in weight with one pushing 265 lbs dressed. The deer also are able to reach an older age. Mine was 5.5 yo and deer reaching 6-8 yo not unusual before they start to decline.

Getting age on a deer sure does help in physical size and antler growth.
Beast! I know you seen some really nice WI bucks, does the body on something like this dwarf them?

The one thing I would say that really stands out is the mass on the antler tines and beams. Mine was pretty typical at 39 25" and the bucks shot range in mass measurement from 39" - 43".
Congratulations! That'll add to the taxidermy bill this year..
Congrats! Yall grow em big up there.

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Excellent buck!
What did you shoot him with?
Awesome buck and story, congrats!

Coukd you have shot a wolf up there? I used to burd hunt SK years ago and non-residents couldn't even shoot coyotes by law. They had a frickin bounty on them for residents but NR couldn't shoot them.
Awesome buck and story, congrats!

Coukd you have shot a wolf up there? I used to burd hunt SK years ago and non-residents couldn't even shoot coyotes by law. They had a frickin bounty on them for residents but NR couldn't shoot them.

Yes, I had a wolf tag and could have shot one. They are big animals and make great full body mounts. The outfitter had one on the wall that went 185 lbs. We discussed shooting one ahead of our hunting and decided against it. If we shot one, it would be in the heart of an area we had 2 target bucks, one of which I took, and would've had to recover the animal potentially screwing up the area.
Yes, I had a wolf tag and could have shot one. They are big animals and make great full body mounts. The outfitter had one on the wall that went 185 lbs. We discussed shooting one ahead of our hunting and decided against it. If we shot one, it would be in the heart of an area we had 2 target bucks, one of which I took, and would've had to recover the animal potentially screwing up the area.
Completely understand and agree with that logic.

Would the outfitter take you back out to the stand to fill a wolf tag once your buck tag is filled or does the hunt end once you harvest your buck?
Completely understand and agree with that logic.

Would the outfitter take you back out to the stand to fill a wolf tag once your buck tag is filled or does the hunt end once you harvest your buck?

Yes, or to other stands where there may have been wolf sightings. I leave the meat with the outfitter and he uses and shares with folks in the community. Doe tags have never really come up as that's not what folks are after.