Cameras can be wickedly deceiving... first pic I would have guessed him at a younger age, 1.5 years, small hind, guts still tappering up to the rear, chest is nice but not thick and squared up, neck looks small and face is not blocky. he has a young looking face - Ears looks small too.... antler bases seem to indicate an older deer 2.5 ish plus; I would have said your fall pic isnt even the same deer that one looks older gut line is squared up and neck looks fuller (rut I know) but he still has small quarters not well muscled and long legs which make it look like the body is not filled out with age yet.
Ive got a good small eared deer story with massive ground shrinkage of the rack, a kind of 325 yard oops I got him post shoot thing... if you stare at a deer long enough you can actually watch the antlers grow and the ears shrink.
They (deer's racks) can look huge in velvet with summer coats, look small in early fall hard horned with a thicker coat and then look smaller yet again rack wise when bodies are fat and pumped up during rut, then look big again while trying to speed score them through a rifle scope. Camera pics often lie. I tend to under estimate just to compensate for ground shrinkage
NOW swat1018's pic looks like a tank, a pig of a deer even if in his summer coat - the neck alone is scary thick I would have guessed him at 190 plus dressed.