A few Nice Deer from last fall. All Catch and Release

I've got ask, what kind of equipment are you using? Obviously you are putting a ton of work to get the shots, but they so crystal clear and just plain amazing. That doesn't happen by accident or with junk stuff.
I only wish the smaller pictures I post are of the quality of the originals. I use a Nikon D800 and a D810 and the deer pics were all taken with a Nikon 300mm F2.8 lens and sometimes a 70-200mm F2.8 lens. For birds I use a 600mm F4. I walked out in a field the other day across the mud and with an armful stuff and realized I had enough money invested in what I was carrying to buy a nice new car!
What state is that??
All of these were taken in Minnesota
Would love to see what that big rascal with the stickers looks like this year