7th grade humor...


So Planimeter updated its aerial “shots” on my farm. Pun intended.

Here’s a 1/4 acre fawning plot and a mowed path down through the thicket and back to the end of the plot.
Wonder if the Does prefer this spot?? :emoji_scream::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you don’t get it show it to a seventh grader.....

Looks like the Tip would be a good camera spot.
I hope your plot stays fresh by getting this rain shower (that I had to screen shot)IMG_1454.JPG...
I suddenly had the urge to smoke a cigarette in the school bathroom...………………..
Those deer will give you the shaft every time.

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That doesn’t look like a very comfortable sit.
I've had this conversation before. Penis shaped food plots are inherently better for hunting... It's settled science.
I've had this conversation before. Penis shaped food plots are inherently better for hunting... It's settled science.
But lesbian does avoid those plots. Gay bucks love them.

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Also bucks that identify as does love them.
Nope purely by accident. The plot is on a top and that must just be its natural curvature :)
Maybe its an outline of an ancient effigy mound put in the whitetails historical breeding ground as a shrine to Venus to help bring fertility and a strong rut to the local deer herd.
You were even anatomical and put the vas deferens back there.
All y'all thinking dirty and I simply see a Christmas stocking ready to be hung from the chimney with the greatest of care?! Guess it's just my saintly demeanor... :emoji_wink:
Bill ... you need to straighten us all out on what you are actually trying to say as this is a hard thread to follow.

I would call it the John Holmes food plot and see if anyone swallows that :emoji_relaxed:
I don't get it? :emoji_confused:
Bill ... you need to straighten us all out on what you are actually trying to say as this is a hard thread to follow.

I would call it the John Holmes food plot and see if anyone swallows that :emoji_relaxed:
That’s right He needs to spit it out.