70 Acres, Northern Missouri!

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thanks for posting Mo. That would be a sweet one to pick up.
I Don't think that logger is gonna bite on my 700/acre offer an that peice that borders mine. Time will tell
Good looking property. A few years back....this would be tempting. Now?.....not so much. I would think these properties have no where to go but up (or at minimum sideways) in value. I'm getting too old and golf and baseball in AZ is looking better every year. ;) Some young fellah like Sandbur oughta go for it. ;)

Are you guaranteed a buck license each year? ......or how does that work?
Is there any income from the land? There is 50 of tillable that has now grown over but is it enrolled in any programs?
No programs as of now. No income unless you rented to a farmer with a dozer. And there are plenty of them down there. Rent in that area, for hill ground is aprox $125/acre.

That should cover 50%+ of a payment on that land. Not a good investment but for recreational property that's not too bad. With only 20 acres of cover in that area I am sure you still have a pretty good chance at some nice deer!
Good looking property. A few years back....this would be tempting. Now?.....not so much. I would think these properties have no where to go but up (or at minimum sideways) in value. I'm getting too old and golf and baseball in AZ is looking better every year. ;) Some young fellah like Sandbur oughta go for it. ;)

Are you guaranteed a buck license each year? ......or how does that work?
You buy it foggy and I will keep an eye on it for you. Hire me as the deer taker, I mean care taker.
The guy that buys this, will pay cash and will not clear it. There are plenty of guys with money that will jump on this because of the area for hunting.

I was thinking of guys like me :)
Mo do you know about the hunting in north east mo? I am going back to my old ways and hunting other states. Already lining up a mn first season hunt. Man that place is on fire.
I'm also looking at leasing my place and picking up a lease in western wi.
I'm getting too old to have to hunt as hard as I do to shoot the buck I want, and you can't shoot what isn't there. The only reason my farm has sooo many deer is because no one shoots does around me. Guys have started unloading on yearling bucks, and the age is plummeting.
There's plenty of guys willing to spend big time $$ on my land. Thats frees up $ for me to target mega bucks. My land doesn't have a 130" on it. I gotta keep up my taxidermy skills, and it ain't gonna happen on a 120"er.
Big bucks in and around Missouri, but also a lot of poachers and Outfitters. Don't know which is worse! Pick the spot you hunt in Missouri carefully!
I don't take a crap in this world without being careful, nobody screws me. I do hate outfitters, I just could never do that.
Back to the topic at hand, this place looks like it hold deer, but it needs improvement to be great. Good area or not. You think those are nwsgs growing there? I can't tell from the pics.
In wi, the quality of hunting can be a world apart at two miles.
Mo where's the drury place? N,s, w? Looks like there is some larger timber south north and west of this place. The immediate area around this farm appears to be more open with less timber.
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That chunk is going to make someone very happy.
Mo you still wouldn't try flipping this property at this price? If it's gonna move this easy at this price, you think it would move for $1000/acre more with some food plots, water holes, warm season grass, fruit trees, chestnuts, and a little more bedding tlc?
I took the family for an April MO cruise from waterpark hotel to the next and Mercer was some of the best for 'deer looking' areas.

Wife asked me who my divorce attorney would be if I bought land there. It is a long ways from anywhere if you like shopping at Target.

Took the hwy north into Iowa and there was a flatbed truck with 2 deer skulls (shed hunt or EHD) right in Mercer in front of a mobile home with 6 or so other near dead vehicles. Biggest was easy 160, likely more, and the other was pushing 130 'Brooks and Johnson Score' (my best guess). Those 2 racks would have been stolen as soon as it was dark where I live.

Momma aint ever moving to Mercer.
No doubt it is one big bedding area but good tree stand trees might be at a premium. I wish the hardwood timber on my farm down there was brushy overgrown field like this farm is.
My kinda guy, is there any seasons left down there?
Phone number doesn't work, I emailed a response. Seems a little odd. id love to go on a few day hunt before Christmas, but am really interested in a longer term lease.
Sounds good, thank you. 100 acres would be fine, as long as the fence lines aren't lined up with a hunter every 100 yards like it is on my place. I'd prefer a couple hundred, but the right type of place could make up for it.
Over grown pasture/fields. Exactly what I'm looking for, but shy 130 acres..

Wish it was an hour east it wouldn't be for sale any longer.