3PT806NT & tractor compatibility question


5 year old buck +
I’ve been keeping my eyes open for a “deal” on a 3PT606NT. I’m in no hurry and doing fine with what I have right now. Recently I came across a nice deal on a 3PT806NT. My question is if I have enough tractor for it. It’s got 3pt lift assist so I assume that would help. I have a new Massey Ferguson 4707 (75 hp) with can, loader, wheel weights and 4,850# 3pt lift capacity. The specs on the drill look to be 4,000-4,500# in weight. I assume that’s unloaded. They recommend an 80 hp tractor. Curious your real world experience here and whether I have enough tractor to lift and pull this drill in normal soils and fairly flat land. If I can pull the 806 it would sure be nice to have the extra planting width to cut down on time. Thoughts?
My 75 hp new Holland grunts on the hills with a 606. Not sure what the weight difference is.
My 75 hp new Holland grunts on the hills with a 606. Not sure what the weight difference is.
That’s not encouraging to hear.
That’s not encouraging to hear.

Well to be fair I run the drill in second gear high range. I know your supposed to drill slow but I’m always in a hurry and going faster hasn’t hurt anything yet. 1st gear high range it doesn’t grunt :emoji_grimacing:
We have a 75 hp John Deere and rent the 706NT from the local NRCS office. It's not a 3 pt, though. It ties in with the hitch and raises and lowers with the hydraulics. Our tractor has zero issue with that particular drill as a tow behind. I run it in 2nd range, 1st gear in mostly flat fields.
If I can pull a 10 footer with a 53hp tractor you should be good
What size plots/fields are you working with that?

How does it work on smaller 0.5-1.0 areas?

With lift assist, I bet you’ll be fine.
What size plots/fields are you working with that?

How does it work on smaller 0.5-1.0 areas?


I’m sorry I think you are asking me? If so, I just rented it for the first time a couple weeks ago. It’s waayyy too big for small plots. Beggars can’t be choosers though, it’s the only rental one in the area. I planted about 4-5 acres in 2 plots cause I couldn’t get it in my smaller plots. In my perfect world I would have a 6’ on a 3 point hitch.
What size plots/fields are you working with that?

How does it work on smaller 0.5-1.0 areas?


worthless - in my opinion. You dont want to use it on a plot where you have to back up much, have many trees in the plot, or have a tight access trail with curves. Pretty much all my deer food plots