2014 Mushroom Finds

I almost forgot the bonus find on the way out. My cousin walked right over it on a deer path. This thing was in mint condition. Never found one that looked so fresh.

I got rained out instead of being able to go hunt shrooms one last time. I'm afraid what I find next weekend will be nasty. :(
I have never seen a Morel Mushroom on our land in my life. My dad says he has only ever found 2 in 55 years. I can only imagine how good they taste!
while unlocking the gate on my way out of the property tonight I saw a nice hen or chicken of the woods, not as orange as ones I have found in the past but nice size, about 20 inches long.

I wonder if it isn't past it's prime and starting to dry up?
I didn't touch it to see, had no clue how to harvest, or prepare , so I left it alone. seems like ya just slice off the tender ends of the growth, saute em up with butter n garlic, or olive oil, and enjoy. It is a definite will try someday item. Heavy rains coming in tonight so it will get another growth burst this week.
I never had them either. I just got interested in growing beyond morels this year. When the bug-pocalypse hit, I opted to stay home vs getting sweaty, eaten up, and covered in ticks. I did see my first chicken while spraying the jungle for my new plot. Wouldn't you know it I swung the wand over it before I realized they were there? Kinda ticked at myself for that, but I was cooking and wanted to get done with that plot.