2014 Moosing

Steve Oehlenschlager

5 year old buck +
It was the year of the moose out on the prairie this year. 14 different moose in 2 weeks. Had been 10 years since I had last seen one out there in North Dakota.DSC_5866_1.JPG DSC_5893_1.JPG DSC_7082_1.JPG DSC_8551_1.JPG DSC_8570_1.JPG DSC_9011_1.JPG
Awesome pics!!
Where did you see the moose in ND? I lived in Lisbon for 3 years and would see maybe 2-3 moose a year. Neat pictures.
Really neat, thanks for sharing!
Cool pics as always
I'll be honest - I didn't even think ND had moose! I learned something today.

Those are Shiras/Wyoming moose correct?

Cool pics.

Maybe we have not been clear about the beach photos - we like racks! They don't have to be the 4 legged kind however!!!!
Cool pictures! My brother has seen them pretty much every fall when harvesting out here. They have been close enough to get ok quality cell phone pictures. And one Darwin candidate tried to hand feed one. There are some interesting articles about the prairie moose:

Can you imagine what something like that would do to a foodplot? Talk about destroying a soybean plot over night!
Impressive!!! Just curious if you have the EXIF for photo 2 and 6?
Pic #2was shot at F 5.0 1/2500 -1/3 ISO 560 using 600mm lens and a Nikon D800 hand held out a truck window Pic#6 was shot at F 5.0 1/1600 -2/3 ISO 500 at 134mm using a 70-200mm lens Hand held out a truck window.
Your photography is remarkable! Nice work Steve.