17000 board feet of white and red oak

The different habitat types was not intentional, per say, but has worked out well. Out of 280 acres we really only have 80-100 good deer habitat in my opinion. The rest is very 'park like'.

Do you have turkeys? Turkeys like the park like wooded areas. I have 30 acres of mature "park like" timber in Iowa (oak/walnut/hickory/cherry) and the turkeys are always in that area. So I am not going to mess with that much.

Bucks like to chase in that open area at times too.
Turkeys like open woods because their main defense/safety is their eyesight. They want to see further around themselves - where deer obviously use smell & like thick cover.

Are you re-planting any oaks back in where the cutting was done ??
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Savanna is good within reason, but you need the tall grasses that go with it. I'm hoping to create some on my place to grow larger crowns and produce more mast, as well as create a view of my rolling landscape around where the house is. It'll also double as a fire break.
When you say fire break, do you mean for a prescribed burn?
We do have turkeys, the two in my avatar were both shot 3 years ago from the same spot. Last two years we haven't gotten them in range. I agree that it is nice turkey habitat but right now we have an issue with bucks only using our place at night. I desperately want more cover.
I'm saying firebreak because if a fire starts (lightning, careless neighbor, whatever), I don't want the canopy flashing next to my house. ;)
We do have turkeys, the two in my avatar were both shot 3 years ago from the same spot. Last two years we haven't gotten them in range. I agree that it is nice turkey habitat but right now we have an issue with bucks only using our place at night. I desperately want more cover.

I wasn't suggesting leaving it all like that. I would only recommend leaving 20-30 acres of mature tall trees for roosting and park like area for strutting. With 280 acres you have good options!
Nice pics. Thanks for the info in this thread. Got a timber harvest plan for next winter coming together.....but we are taking pines. Biggest concern to me is getting good regen asap. It took a few years to get good regen after a pine thinning when I bought this land.....but it did come. Light is your friend.
Did they stack any of the slash?.....or mostly let it fall where cut? I think the later is the direction I am going.
Did they stack any of the slash?.....or mostly let it fall where cut? I think the later is the direction I am going.
They let it lay where it was cut and then my grandpa went back and took whatever he needed for firewood.