Recent content by shawnv

  1. shawnv


    This isn't getting enough attention. Progress towards a cure.
  2. shawnv

    Favorite Camo Desing/Brand

    Predator and Firstlite are my choices.
  3. shawnv

    cow peas as a stand alone crop?

    Interesting to see how deer react in different areas to forages. Next year will probably be an ag soybean/AWP mix with going heavier on the AWP for me.
  4. shawnv

    cow peas as a stand alone crop?

    I planted the cowpeas and Austrian winter peas late May. AWP even when browsed keeps growing and as long as the deer keep clipping it doesn't mature. I got browse all summer long and still have a fair number of pods from those.
  5. shawnv

    cow peas as a stand alone crop?

    Planted cows peas here in WI, not enough heat units up here for them to produce pods this year. Wish I had spring planted more AWP.
  6. shawnv

    Lack of heat units/heavy rains result on my plots this year in WI.

    Cowpeas, no pods Milkweed (not a plot but an observation), 90% no pods yet EW, lackluster Canamaize, do well but for short maturity should have larger ears Clovers, great Spring planted AWP, doing great Fall Brassica, slow germination but doing well now Winter Rye, slower germ start but doing...
  7. shawnv


    I think Aldo would be just fine with this: There are 285 species of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) that depend on box elder to survive their caterpillar stage. If we say good-bye to box elders, we might as well say good-bye to almost three hundred species of moths and butterflies! Keep...
  8. shawnv

    Public land hunters

    I hunt a lot of public and the trick is to hunt where the masses are not. Sure that might be way back in but it also might be a brush line right next to the road. Sometimes there are no areas left untouched so then it's a matter of hunting more mornings, mid-week and taking advantage of early...
  9. shawnv


    I could not agree with you more and disagree with you more at the same time. They can grow like weeds but are nothing like Buckthorn. They are something you need to control though.
  10. shawnv

    Early Seasons Tactics

    There is a lot of variables that go into it but if they are not there, it would be best to not hunt it rather than hunt it just for the sake of getting out. I would focus on some of the public lands that are in your area in the meantime.
  11. shawnv


    They are one of my favorite trees to hinge that will also add more growth. They are also preferred browse in my area of Wisconsin. I too used to think they were junk until the deer taught me otherwise.
  12. shawnv

    Fixation clover spring plant??

    That's what I was thinking but wasn't sure if spring planted looses any of it's appeal as a fall deer forage if left to grow.
  13. shawnv

    Fixation clover spring plant??

    For anyone that spring planted do you plan to mow it at all this summer?
  14. shawnv

    Norway Spruce Bare Root Plantings

    If you are in the farmland area of Barron County, caging them in is probably overkill but if you are near the big woods then it's probably good insurance.
  15. shawnv

    Baiting law changed?

    As long as deer use licking branches and lick each other, I don't see the argument against it on private property. We worry too much about what others do if it doesn't fit our mold.