Cuddeback's Cuddelink

On a G- series camera the PIR covers an area above/higher than the exposure meter (as shown in your diagram)? They are not collimated?
That's right Freddy. This is true on all of the various Cuddeback models that I've owned, not just the G series. The PIR zone and the metering zone are not collimated... they are instead coordinated so that if you frame your anticipated target zone at or near the vertical center of the picture the metering system will automatically work to adjust the camera settings (shutter speed and ISO) to provide an adequate flash range while keeping your subject within the PIR zone. IMO Cuddeback's self-regulating exposure design is a stroke of genius in that it provides the casual user with a large dose of passive plug-and-play simplicity while at the same time providing the more experienced user with the ability to thread the needle with their set-up to optimize results and avoid missteps.

I'm still working on a post in response to your request for metering information but unfortunately I lost all the test data I had with a HD crash a year of so ago. I've redone all the testing and remade some overlay templates so now it's just down to organizing my thoughts for posting. The older I get the harder my thoughts are to even find... let alone organize! :emoji_grinning:
I'm running four J-1415 cameras. In total they're averaging probably 50 pics per day back to the cell home. The first batteries I bought were Energizer Max. They lasted 7 days. I put another set of Energizer Max's in, and again 7 days the were dead. After that I bought 8 rechargeables so I could start swapping them out. They actually last a little longer and I'm getting around 12 days out of them before I have to swap them. Is this abnormal battery usage?

This is a poor cell coverage area if that has anything to do with it. I originally set my cell home set up about 500 yards down this hill going into the property. My phone shows service down there. It wouldn't send pictures from down there so I ended up moving it back up to the top.
Fred G,

I would like to see some of your images that are blk flash, red ir etc to get a gauge on the best settings you found

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...One other question regarding the IR settings. I'm on the factory defaults which I believe is close. I've got a couple of cameras on fields and I'm getting weak flash range. Should I adjust to far or field?
Below is a composite image of 4 consecutive nights in which I took advantage of my local test slave 'coons for a little comparative testing. The only changes made to the settings were IR mode 'Close' or 'Far' and the tip of the camera for extending the apparent flash throw. This will give you a visual on what the tip of the camera will do in regulating the light thrown downfield and also the difference in appearance of the 'Close' and 'Far' settings. The green boundary in all pics is the PIR zone and the amber boundary is the metering zone.

The advantages of the 'Close' IR setting is better image quality with the disadvantages relative to 'Far' being a somewhat slower shutter speed and hence more motion blur and the higher contrast processing potentially inducing apparent IR burn on closer objects.

The advantages of the 'Far' IR setting is more even lighting over the range of illumination (lack of close-in IR burn) and a significantly faster shutter speed (1 1/3 stops faster) and hence less motion blur with the disadvantage relative to 'Close' being less pleasing image quality. The Cuddeback default is 'Far'.

IMO, for us to literally equate the names of these two IR modes (Close and Far) to meaning shorter or longer flash range would be a mistake. The 'Far' mode doesn't really give more flash range, it simply gives more even illumination over a broader flash range due to less aggressive contrast processing. I hope that makes sense to you!

By all means, experiment and determine which settings you prefer. The objective here is to please yourself and get the information and IQ that you want!

Example Composite.jpg
FredG, thank you for taking the time to write all that up. That is very helpful in understanding the different settings and tilt. I'm going to go this weekend and tilt all of my cameras up some degree, because all of them appear to be pointing too low and it's killing the flash range. In your examples the close images look better to my eye, but I'll play around with it in the field and see what I think.
I'm running four J-1415 cameras. In total they're averaging probably 50 pics per day back to the cell home. The first batteries I bought were Energizer Max. They lasted 7 days. I put another set of Energizer Max's in, and again 7 days the were dead. After that I bought 8 rechargeables so I could start swapping them out. They actually last a little longer and I'm getting around 12 days out of them before I have to swap them. Is this abnormal battery usage?

This is a poor cell coverage area if that has anything to do with it. I originally set my cell home set up about 500 yards down this hill going into the property. My phone shows service down there. It wouldn't send pictures from down there so I ended up moving it back up to the top.

Battery life for my J-Series are in the 35 to 60 day range before the LOW symbol is displayed.
That was with Duracell alkaline batteries. After talking to service department they recommended using rayovac or energizer.
I will be going to alkaline Energizers as they need to be changed. My home cell is lasting 17 days before LOW battery symbol comes on, some days i would receive over 200 pictures. This is also with Duracell batteries again i will be changing to energizers as needed. I am curious if alkaline energizers will last as long.
FredG, thank you for taking the time to write all that up. That is very helpful in understanding the different settings and tilt. I'm going to go this weekend and tilt all of my cameras up some degree, because all of them appear to be pointing too low and it's killing the flash range. In your examples the close images look better to my eye, but I'll play around with it in the field and see what I think.
You're welcome... hope it helps you out some! I personally prefer using 'Far' because it gives me more latitude to process (after the fact) the keepers I get with a controlled amount of contrast to polish them up a bit without getting IR burn, something I consider fun and not a chore. But I would agree with you on 'Close' being more pleasing IQ straight out of the camera and I would assume that the majority of folks would agree. In the end, your opinion should be the only one that matters to you... not what I or anyone else thinks or prefers. Choices are a good thing!
Having an issue here with a J series. I noticed a “Low!” battery status on this camera after only 25 days on a fresh set on the D battery pack. This is the second J series to eat through the D pack in 25-26 days. I typically get 120 days from J series with this brand of batteries (Amazon branded D).
Upon retrieving the camera, the display shows “ERROR:45”. I pulled the batteries, let the camera sit a few minutes and then replaced the batteries. Now the display is blank, orange LED is solid and the green LED is blinking (see photo).
After leaving camera alone with orange and green LEDS on, the camera finally booted up and said, “WELCOME”. Appears to be working. Still troubled on why all this happened.
Camera was running 7.3 if that helps.
Any thoughts?



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If anybody could supply a list of error codes that would be helpful. I too received an error 45, when I called Cuddeback CS they didn't know what it was and told me to send the camera back.
Did anybody hear if Cuddeback released anything new in terms of external batteries at the 2019 ATA show, I think the show ends today?
Just changed Home Cell unit and 2 J-series with Energizers. Home cell lasted 17 days and J-series lasted 44 days with Duracell. I've had the J-Series cameras lock up before with a Low battery and Dead battery symbols even after taking the batteries out of the camera. After reading on here about pushing the up arrow to drain all the power out of the system. This has helped with this problem. I have yet to get a error reading.
Not sure if anyone here has tried Duracell ProCell batteries but they are by far the best cold weather Alkaline batteries that I have used! Amazon cells them in bulk packs
Not sure if anyone here has tried Duracell ProCell batteries but they are by far the best cold weather Alkaline batteries that I have used! Amazon cells them in bulk packs

How much longer have they lasted in your experience vs Energizer or Duracell or Rayovac? How cold were the temperatures?
Not sure if anyone here has tried Duracell ProCell batteries but they are by far the best cold weather Alkaline batteries that I have used! Amazon cells them in bulk packs
I have not used them in the cuddelinks. I had some small issues with a couple J-Series, CS said it might be due to using the Duracell batteries. That is why I'm switching to energizers, what they recommended. I've always got good life from the duracells. Really curious how long they will last ill know shortly.
Error codes are for our repair techs to use and the list is not something that is available to the public. it really wouldn't offer any benefit to the consumer since the consumer is limited in what he can do to the camera , most of the error codes wouldn't tell you anything and are designed to inform the techs where a failure occurred. The most common errors are battery and SD card related.
IF you get ANY error code on your camera here is what you should do before calling for service or returning your camera. I recommend this to reduce return time and allow many to get the cam back up and running in a short time.
Step 1. Remove batteries from the camera and leave it sit without batteries for up to 15 minutes to ensure all residual power is used up(LCD screen should go blank).
Step 2. Install New batteries in the camera
Step 3. Check firmware version on the camera and then check on the cuddeback website that you have the latest version( 7.5 as of Jan 12th 2019)
Step 4. Install firmware if needed.
Step 5. Replace the SD card with a different card that is formatted and or clear the card in the camera.
Step 6. Go into the CL menu and perform "CL CLEAR"
Step 7. Rearm the cam and if possible run/test it for a time period to test it before you deploy it in the deer woods again.
IF these steps do not fix your issue then its time to Call CS and set up a return or take it into your retailer. Keep in mind Cudde offers a 2 year warranty if you register the camera online after purchasing it. You do not need to keep a copy of your receipt , The camera is encrypted and Cuddeback can determine how many days it has been since your cam was initially used and how many images it has taken etc.

Do not have Blind Faith in any particular battery brand or retailer who sells them, many times batteries can be bad even if they are new. If you have cameras that are eating batteries more quickly than anticipated it is always a good idea to try another brand from another retailer as a test to insure you didnt get a bad or poor performing set. I am not claiming that all issues are battery related. These are electronic devices and there will be a percentage of them that fail for a particular reason. We offer the two year warranty so if you do have an issue with your camera its taken care of.
It's in the woods but at the gate of my land. It's the only place on the land that really has cell service. Everything drops down into a river bottom after that.

I am getting about 7 days out of my cell home before batteries die. I didnt think the Cuddepower would provide much more than that so that's why I started thinking 6V. I could easily go 12V and get a 9V converter on it. I wasnt aware that the 6V input plug was for 9V of power.

7 days is not at all a normal duration for new quality alkaline batteries. first, try a a new set from another brand for a differnet retailer. Second, i HIGHLY recommend using a battery booster with your cell home. it will dramatically increase the life. You should get 120 days or more( i get 150+ days with the internals and the booster) unless temps fall well below zero , in which alkaline batteries start to freeze and not operate correctly, when it warms back up a but they will operate again but below zero and electronics are not friendly.
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Did anybody hear if Cuddeback released anything new in terms of external batteries at the 2019 ATA show, I think the show ends today?
Cuddeback is bringing out a new battery accessory that will work with all models of cuddelink units that will make a huge difference. When i have official pricing and delivery dates i will update everyone on here.
Also there is some exciting products and combos coming in 2019. A high quality Cell unit at a extremely competitive price and several starter packs for those wanting to add to their existing cuddelink networks or those who are just diving into the system for the first time. I will have final pricing and estimated delivery dates on those soon. Camera performance, flash options etc are basically remaining the same for 2019.
Cuddeback is bringing out a new battery accessory that will work with all models of cuddelink units that will make a huge difference. When i have official pricing and delivery dates i will update everyone on here.
Also there is some exciting products and combos coming in 2019. A high quality Cell unit at a extremely competitive price and several starter packs for those wanting to add to their existing cuddelink networks or those who are just diving into the system for the first time. I will have final pricing and estimated delivery dates on those soon. Camera performance, flash options etc are basically remaining the same for 2019.
Any AT&T Cell Models
i believe 2019 will only offer Verizon. there may be options in the future for att or others.
I have another question that I'm wondering about. When Verizon goes to 5G will the areas that are 3G increase to a 4G area so your units will work? I have 3G Verizon at locations that would increase the cuddelink usage for me.