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I would suggest listening to the last half hour of a nurse testifying. Watch the faces and agreements of the nurses in the background.
That may spark your interest to listen to the Doc’s comments.

My mother in law was ill and went to the doctor . NO one listened to her lungs and they ran a covid test which was positive. Something is drastically wrong when an 80 year old lady goes to the doctor with a serious respiratory infection and no one evaluates heart and lungs. My wife was with her.

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I found the "cliff notes" version of the presentation put up by SD. I know allot of folks do not have 5 hours to watch the testimony....but this is a precursor of what is presented. It may whet your whistle to watch the entire program. Why is there no press?
Wow. Just watched most of this. This oughta light a fuse. Well done.

But it wont...

Half of the country is too busy bowing to the useless vaccine and mask Gods. Why blame "science" when you can blame the other guy for not taking your medicine???? I was in Target Waconia, MN on Sunday afternoon getting some socks and T shirts. 40% of the Karens were still wearing the ceremonial face diaper. CDC FINALLY admitted it does absolutely nothing, but Karen is still too afraid to take it off. Karen has been classically conditioned to accept the face diaper and the vaccine. They have ZERO interest in listening to anything that actually works.

We are dealing with hypnotized zombies. There is no alternative to mask, lockdowns and vaccinations in their minds.
There is the problem---people not having enough if any COMMON SENSE. Things are too far gone. We are not going to turn this around. How can we? Government against the people and the people have no rights and half of the people are o.k. with that.
People are seeing it. It's only been up for 48 hours, and it's seen over a million views on a platform most people don't even know about. Keep sharing it, keep talking. Very soon we need to start talking about what to do with what we've learned. For right now, keep spreading the word. A million opinion leaders engaging their friend and family is a powerful thing.

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There is the problem---people not having enough if any COMMON SENSE. Things are too far gone. We are not going to turn this around. How can we? Government against the people and the people have no rights and half of the people are o.k. with that.
There's no consensus that there's a problem yet. That is coming soon. There's still the free floating anxiety that something isn't right, but the masses don't know what it is, or what to do about it.
So my Trump supporting, conservative wife likes to pick these things apart, as some of you might recall I mentioned before. I just showed her the clip where Dr. Urso said that N95 masks don't stop the spread and there are no studies showing they do. My wife searches on her phone and reads from a Time article stating they have shown up to 75-fold protection and links to studies from the NIH showing they work. What's the answer?

These doctors tout India being saved by Ivermectin and then she shows me these papers saying India and other countries have stopped using Ivermectin, or dropped it from their protocols saying it's ineffective. What's the answer?

A few weeks back a DO was hosting Dr. Mcullough and so my wife researches the host and learned he had been disciplined for injecting patients with gasoline. Attorney Tom Renz "has some skeletons in his closet" says wifey. I think she's just worried some of these guys are quacks and it hurts their credibility.
^. Remember back "in the old days" when 60 minutes would do real "in-depth" reports on such topics.....and then had Point / counterpoint after the presentation to let the audience decide a position to take. No more. Now they simply tell you what to think. The end.
So my Trump supporting, conservative wife likes to pick these things apart, as some of you might recall I mentioned before. I just showed her the clip where Dr. Urso said that N95 masks don't stop the spread and there are no studies showing they do. My wife searches on her phone and reads from a Time article stating they have shown up to 75-fold protection and links to studies from the NIH showing they work. What's the answer?

These doctors tout India being saved by Ivermectin and then she shows me these papers saying India and other countries have stopped using Ivermectin, or dropped it from their protocols saying it's ineffective. What's the answer?

A few weeks back a DO was hosting Dr. Mcullough and so my wife researches the host and learned he had been disciplined for injecting patients with gasoline. Attorney Tom Renz "has some skeletons in his closet" says wifey. I think she's just worried some of these guys are quacks and it hurts their credibility.

Tell her to FOLLOW THE MONEY...... Ask her what the 5 and 10 year safety data is on the vaccine and then compare it to decades of use of Ivermection of HCQ.... Put her in the soybean bin with an N95 on next time you run the sweep auger and have her clean it out.

^^^ Thanks for the replies. Your chart isn't doing it for her. It says FDA and CDC, so she wonders how are they compiling the worldwide data and how are they determining that it's the vax directly causing adverse events. I guess she doesn't have total faith in the VAERS system. My summary is that she doesn't believe your chart from Ron Johnson.

Her biggest worries are the unknowns of long covid and organ damage.

As far as bean bins, she can't even find our farms let alone shovel a bin. But she has taken care of me from getting very sick in the past from my dust masks not protecting me.
There's no consensus that there's a problem yet. That is coming soon. There's still the free floating anxiety that something isn't right, but the masses don't know what it is, or what to do about it.

In my opinion, the “masses” are neither stupid, nor sheep. Many folks do believe that the risk of Covid real, and not some sort of hoax – and - that the government is not your enemy (not to say it pleases all the people, all the time - me included). Democracy is not an easy pill to swallow sometimes, but it’s better than the alternative. We’ve all got our opinions, and as you can see, we’re not shy about expressing them. No one here is going to go to jail for peacefully expressing their views, unlike in China, Hong Kong, or Russia. Just one man's opinion.
I put this chart together 2 months ago for my own sake to compare deaths vs Covid deaths in the same timeframe.


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Many folks do believe that the risk of Covid real, and not some sort of hoax – and - that the government is not your enemy (not to say it pleases all the people, all the time - me included).
That's where I think the big disconnect is located. I think it's well documented the government is the enemy here, and they have seized control of the hospitals and pharmacies with absolutely no coverage of it happening. I'd love to see a poll of the american people on their faith in hospitals:

"If you go to the hospital for covid complications, do you think the hospital can and will do everything they can to save your life?"

"Would you lie about your race and vaccination status to try avoid discriminatory medical practices?"

"Are you apprehensive about visiting a hospital in the new covid era?"

I think everyone that has watched the Senator Johnson roundtable knows exactly what's going on, we just don't know what to do about it yet. I'm working on that.
So my Trump supporting, conservative wife likes to pick these things apart, as some of you might recall I mentioned before. I just showed her the clip where Dr. Urso said that N95 masks don't stop the spread and there are no studies showing they do. My wife searches on her phone and reads from a Time article stating they have shown up to 75-fold protection and links to studies from the NIH showing they work. What's the answer?
The two sides as worded above are not mutually exclusive but that doesn't mean we don't make them that way in our minds.

I like the way your wife thinks. It sounds like she searches for truth rather than just looking for ways to justify how she wants to think.
I think im finally getting over the hump. Last couple days I've been able to hold my o2 levels in the 90s. I was supposed to see a specialist but i canceled, for 2 reasons first, they dont want to do anything for you anyway. The only physician that has done anything for me other than put me on supplemental o2 is my primary and she put me on a round of prednisone, which i believe has done more for me than everything but the ivermectin. Other doctors just look you over and say its just a waiting game. Go home do nothing and wait. Well, I dont accept that. The last couple weeks I've been slowly getting back, going to baseball practice, plowing snow, taking care of animals etc. It really seems to be doing more than sitting around. Im back to work also, granted i do most of my job from home but ive been able to do a site visit or 2 just by taking a o2 tank with in case i need it. I really think the drs are wrong, the best thing imo to do is keep moving, push yourself and take a break when you need it.
Second, is ive seen the specialist before for sleep Apnea, hes a quack who doesn't listen to the patient anyway.
Hopefully this trend continues, this is seriously getting old and i cannot wait for the day i get all this equipment out of my house for good.
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