Recent content by mikmaze

  1. mikmaze

    Nasty…nasty…Autumn Olive

    I was backing into, pushing that junk over with my disc this past weekend, hate that junk, it is browsed, it is cover, but I hate it.
  2. mikmaze

    Tv antenna booster/amplifier

    tv fool is a site that can help, many imes getting the antenna up in height can help alot. My place is tucked behind mountains on both sides so it is hard. I have not had luck adding a booster, seems I always buy the wrong one.
  3. mikmaze

    Deer Magnet Persimmon

    looking great bud, amazing level of work you are doing in a great location.
  4. mikmaze

    Give up your guns boys.

    need to rethink our cush jails, and long living on death row bs. Jail needs to be a detterent to crime, it is no longer. why the fook should we give them rights when they prey upon society?
  5. mikmaze

    mangel beets, best price?

    no others with any input?
  6. mikmaze

    mangel beets, best price?

    thanks Bill, I just gotta try em, I give something new a try almost every year, tried and true got tried once too.
  7. mikmaze

    mangel beets, best price?

    I am looking at adding these to my sweedes plot this year as a spring planted/ long season annual so I can do a one and done from spring through folowng spring. I may overseed in fall with rye/ crim clover . I want to try these as they are an older fodder type beet that just might be the...
  8. mikmaze

    Hard to believe buck

    great deer bud, don't always need em living at your place, just need the girls to bring him around!
  9. mikmaze

    Swamp chestnut oak seedlings

    wholesael to the trade, you might be able to order/ setup an account. Great people.
  10. mikmaze

    Who's working in the woods this weekend?

    Had a nice surprise this weekend. Underneath one of my dustan chestnuts I found a Seedling. Pretty cool not sure if I want to try and move it as it is only a few feet from the trunk of the mother plant. Has anybody else found volunteers under there's? Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  11. mikmaze

    Could news outlets become any more obviously biased?

    FOR ALL OF YOU WHO HATE TRUMPI KNOW YOU ARE GONNA TRY TO THROW SHADE BUT LET ME ASK YOU.... Do you hate him because he made cruelty to animals a FELONY?  Do you hate him because he gave billions to stop the opioid crisis?  Do you hate that he destroyed ISIS, and killed how many terrorists...
  12. mikmaze

    One green world has some nice offerings!

    Sitting in my deer stand looking at my email and one green world let me their latest offerings. Pretty nice list I feel like a kid in a candy store with a credit card! Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  13. mikmaze

    New-found crab apple tree? how to help it out?

    try top working it? get some donor pieces of some well known, good to draw deer, attracting crabs and have at it......... I have a few crabs by my spot in NY that the deer do not even bother to eat the fruit, must be hella nasty if they don't eat em. come spring the ground is covered in...
  14. mikmaze

    How important is inoculating legume seeds?

    I skipped it one year when I forgot to add it on to my order, and I saw a difference, won't make that mistake again. Like said, it is cheap. You can easily do an experiment, put a bit out without, the rest out with and watch the results... As also said there are different ones for different...
  15. mikmaze

    Who's working in the woods this weekend?

    that is the clover plot from last spring that I mowed a few weeks ago and has rebounded kinda nice. no buck on a bag junk here, good ole farm seed.