Storing seeds with fruits/vegetables


5 year old buck +
I have read that gases from fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator can ruin scion wood, does anyone know if it has an effect on seeds?

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Seeds - clover, turnip, wheat and the like I don't put in the fridge. Seeds - acorns, pawpaw, persimmons seeds, I do keep in the fridge and I have never had an issue.....except with the wife getting upset!
The gasses given off by fruit in the fridge can cause scions to break dormancy. Seed germination is not triggered in this manor as Prof.Kent says.
If the scion is in a sealed bag is it still a problem?
The gasses given off by fruit in the fridge can cause scions to break dormancy.

Bags and bags of scion wood and cuttings in the fridge at times has put my wife into a unpleasant state of dormancy!
If the scion is in a sealed bag is it still a problem?
If the bag is totally sealed, mold can be a problem. I usually zip mine half way and then fold them over so there is some level of air flow but not enough to dry them out. A little slightly damp long fiber sphagnum in the bag and help with moisture levels.
Thanks for asking this question, I was wondering the same thing last week. I knew scion storage was adversely effected but wasn't sure about seeds. Thanks for clarifying.