Still Holding Antlers

Yeah he's a tricky one. I think he was most likely a 3.5 yr old in fall of '18. He's had a really tiny body both this year and last. Help me age him. Two pics from the fall of '17. The 1st is him, and the 2nd for comparison a buck that is mature, probably 4.5. So what are your thoughts on his age in the '17 pic?

If that first pic is actually him (have to take your word for it but I have my doubts) that would be a 1.5 in my area making him 2.5 this past fall.
The sheds look like a nice 4.5 year old buck to me.

Do you have a live picture of him from 2018 fall? He should be a giant next year.
Same deer. You can't see his moose paddles from the sides, only front and rear. So here's the next pic in that sequence and a couple others from '17. I'll dig up a few from this year too. My best guess is still 3.5 this year which means he was a dainty 2.5 in '17.

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Just went and pulled a card I hadnt checked since Jan 7. Most bucks have shed. 3 small bucks have 1 side still on. 1 big buck had both sides on Valentines day and only 1 on the 15th
That last winter picture to me says 2.5 y/o
Just went and pulled a card I hadnt checked since Jan 7. Most bucks have shed. 3 small bucks have 1 side still on. 1 big buck had both sides on Valentines day and only 1 on the 15th

I watched 6 bucks in a food plot last night (Feb. 19th). All still had both sides except one that was was a half-rack.
Ok, thanks for the help. Whatever he is, hoping he puts on 40" this year. A small group of neighbors got on board this year for letting him go (although none were actually tempted by having him in range) but they said it's every man for himself this coming year.
Ok, thanks for the help. Whatever he is, hoping he puts on 40" this year. A small group of neighbors got on board this year for letting him go (although none were actually tempted by having him in range) but they said it's every man for himself this coming year.

I hope you get him. You have a plan in mind?
March 7 and almost ALL the bucks that visit my place (mature AND juvenile bucks) are still sporting horns. Seems a bit later than usual for so many to be holding, but really need to compare to game cam history from past years to be 100% sure.
I was cutting cages for fruit trees I hope come sooner than later, and checked a few cams hoping to see turkeys. Was pleasantly surprised to see bachelor groups of bucks. 3 bucks in the past week or so were still carrying antlers. The bucks all look like 50 miles of bad road, but they're there.
A spike carried both sides yesterday. Getting pretty long in the season.
I gave up on trying to figure out WHY some shed early and some shed late
I had a nice property I managed for 15+ yrs
over that time frame I seen the same buck, with prime food and steady doe numbers and deer in general numbers
one yr he would shed in early dec, following yr in late MARCH, next yr, in early Feb, and last yr I seen him, he dropped them end of Nov, UP as early as I ever seen them, found them walking into a deer stand dec 1 in the dark in the am!
I have seen countless others like this, one yr hold them long, one yr shed the soon, and all things basically the same, food, stress, pressure, winters being about the same, , same as with summers and weather in general
I have seen half the bucks(same ages, too, as well as older and younger ) hold them till march, and half loose them in Jan, and some before jan and some after in same yrs on same property with same does, food and weather,
so go figure?

I used to read and hear about genetic's
about IF all doe are bred or NOT, temps, food stress, , you name it I read about how THIS was supposed to be WHY??
and I found every one WRONG at more than a few times, I gave up!
I personally think they fall off when ever they darn well feel like it!, NO rhyme or reason to ti I can find any consistent belief in that worked often here and many other places I have been at!

MAYBE some others have had more consistent luck.
but NOT me, and not on any land I had exclusive control over for 15+ yrs at a time
SO to me, they come off when ever! gets MY vote, but do say that by April, 99% have lost them LOL that's my best advice here
but I have seen them on in MID April already too, and seen some with branching points in Mid April too on same farm!
they start growing IMO when the old one's fall off, one's that shed sooner, grow them sooner,
is what it is IMO!
Pulled camera cards today. The dates and times are accurate. A couple still holding and at least one starting to grow already. 15CCCC06-D2AD-4371-A1D1-ED27748DAE8D.jpeg15CCCC06-D2AD-4371-A1D1-ED27748DAE8D.jpeg91F8702D-DF83-488B-BA7D-C8A29DA0EE93.jpeg758CD7C6-EC4B-4344-8815-E8867C7749C0.jpeg
What's everyone finding and seeing? Last week my cams showed resident bucks still holding. It's been a very mild winter. Yesterday I took my oldest for a short walk at a farm we don't hunt. Didnt find any, but it was exercise and fun.

I pulled a card yesterday and I had a handful of young bucks on cam (dated 2/12 and is accurate) and they all still had both sides. I typically don't look for them here until March.
I saw a buck in the neighborhood yesterday still holding
I saw a buck in the neighborhood yesterday still holding

I’m still getting pics of some with antlers. Those #’s have really dropped off in the last two weeks though.
I would estimate at least half of our usual backyard bucks (around 10 or so bucks that we see in the yard at least once a week, if not daily) are still holding a full rack. As mentioned, it’s been very mild - until this past weekend, and later this week gets below average as well. Hopefully that should get the rest to start dropping!
This guy was in the yard on Valentine’s Day and sparred with two smaller bucks, so at least the 3 of them are still solid!062F406D-7A56-45E7-92F7-372C26935EA0.jpeg