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New neighbor

Erik Hendricks

5 year old buck +
Just meet the guy that bought 120 acres that borders us. He was hanging QDM no trespassing signs!! Man after my own heart. Had a great conversation. The 7-10 people that hunted it before shot EVERYTHING that moved. So I have a great feeling about the years to come! Only 1 guy and he will only bow hunt...could you ask for a better neighbor?
My guess is it will be better...i would think if he bought it for hunting. He will limit access.
You will need more neighbors than him to see a difference. But its a great start.
Tell him to trash the QDM signs and replace them with Joes hunting farm---$100/day
Better than my Amish neighbors. Good luck to you.
One other thought, qdm signs just tell locals mature bucks are vertical here. Whats the motivation to publically broadcast that?

Dead wrong form my perch. Knowledge is power. If you choose to hide science from the neighbors you handicap your parcel. if you share you can all move forward.

Coming from a guy in a 10,000 acre coop that has watched his place go to shit slowly year after year.
You will need more neighbors than him to see a difference. But its a great start.
This was the last chunk of land that was not managing. Everyone one else is on board. The people that hunted it before are reduced to a horrible 40 acre chuck.
As long as he hasn't bought into the philosophy of whacking the crap out of the does espoused by the "Q" you should be better off
No that was one thing that made me smile. Said he applied for a doe tag and got drawn but only applied so someone that would use it did not get it. That's the same exact thing we did also. He's a mature buck or nothing until numbers are way up.
Your new neighbor sounds to good to be true. Saying all the right things to you, and actually doing them, are 2 different directions that only time will show the answer too.

Hope he does what he says.
Congrats! Sounds like best case scenario for a neighbor. Hope somone like him buys the ground for sale behind me.
I will not post any QDM signs because they attract attention of hunters driving to the nearby wildlife management area. I would also favor a different term so it does not promote any similar organization.

All in all, I do not follow all of the ideas of QDM, but many of us in low deer areas feel the same way.

There can be Better Management for all of us. Maybe call it BM?
...There can be Better Management for all of us. Maybe call it BM?

HMH, Hunter Managed Herds. The alternative to QDM.
HMH, Hunter Managed Herds. The alternative to QDM.
I like it. Better than asking if they got BM.