Friendly neighbor


5 year old buck +
So I have this neighbor who just moved in next to me. Owns 2 acres. I have a path mowed around my field. He came over while I was mowing and we spoke a little bit. He is super excited to hunt his property and keeps telling me if I have a deer go on his property go ahead and get it. I told him the same. There is very little to no chance any deer will end up on his property (that I shoot). Anyway, next thing I know he mows a path from his yard to my path. He has come over a few other times to talk (always while I am out working) He has hinted at (but hasn't come out and asked to hunt mine) and I basically imply no, just me hunting my property with possibly buddy or my young sons. I was out planting some apple trees and I hear him cutting his grass. next thing I know he comes down in in tractor to give me a jar of canned banana peppers. He talks for a little bit wants to know when I will be hunting - just so he has an idea in case it messes with his(I only own 12)) and then leaves. I did tell him I am going to spray the path that goes along the road and down past his house with killer and then will plant some acorns and hickory nuts along there in the spring. Anyway, to make a long story longer, I think I am no longer going to mow that upper part to try and discourage him from walking down every time (or most times) I am at my property. He says he walks out just to my path to look down to make sure no one is messing with my shed/trespassing/whatnot. I do think he tries to keep an eye out. The thing that sucks about that, is I shouldn't have to do that. it is my property.

I don't want to mean, he seems like a nice enough guy (and we think alike for the most part), but I really don't want to talk with him every time I am there. I like being alone. I have a neighbor on the other side who is an awesome guy but I I don't even talk with him much, and he has only swung by once in a great while. I told my wife I wonder if I should get a surveyor out and survey just the two sides and down about 100 or so yards and then maybe put some sort of fence up along the road and partly down the side where his property is and just tell him it is to keep people from driving onto my property. (she thought not a good idea) He is probably in his late 50's, I am fairly positive he won't trespass. (I also told him I cameras all over) - and Maybe I should put a couple where I can monitor the path to make sure he doesn't.

Any other thoughts? This is in OH btw.
I think it might be a good idea to see how the first year goes and then take it from there. I like having a visual screen on property lines when possible, so your plan to plant some trees along that property line sounds good to me. It is kind of odd for him to ask you when you will be hunting though, it makes me wonder if he is trying to find out when you will be gone so he can hunt yours.

I have a bunch of trail cameras in very noticeable locations on my land so everyone in the area knows that they will likely be on camera. I even hang up old, dead cameras for that reason since they look like they are still working!
Impossible to know what a guy's real intentions are but some people just crave socializing. I'd just try to be politely short with him. "Sorry to be short neighbor guy, I've got 20 hours of work to get done and only 3 hours away from work/family to do it, have a great weekend!"
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Hand him a shovel, work will usually get people to stay away. Even friends.

Good idea but might backfire.. When people help me, i feel indebted to them. I wouldn't want to feel indebted to neighbor guy who hunts on his 2 acres. And that's why I have never asked a soul for help on my property where there wasn't money or offsetting offers at play.
all good and relevant info.
I've tried to be nice to people but it always ends the same way. They want to show up the morning of hunting opener not prepared and not dedicated to hunting. No one hunts with me now and I'm ok with that.
Next time you see him tell him you need to clarify that he can retrieve a deer on your property but to call you "first". Otherwise you gave him an open invitation to "track" deer. Maybe even if their not bleeding. But I'm cynical, so.....
Next time you see him tell him you need to clarify that he can retrieve a deer on your property but to call you "first". Otherwise you gave him an open invitation to "track" deer. Maybe even if they’re not bleeding. But I'm cynical, so.....

x100! Otherwise you risk having someone stomping around every inch of your place making a mess.
I have a neighbor like that . Catches me on a walk, stops by on his golf cart. He reminds me of Flanders on the Simpsons.

He’s hinted about hunting on my place three times. I told him I have four boys and a couple good friends that hunt, and I don’t allow anyone else.

I don’t know the answer, but I’d recommend saying something so there’s at least parameters of what he should it should not do .
You could ask him for his phone number, and explain you will call in case you need to enter his property to track a deer since it is hunting season. Then give him yours and say you’d like to know if he needs to go on your property. Be direct, and then go back to being a good neighbor.
Sorry dude. I'll just keep my distance from you next time...

haha.. It happens, Sometimes that's the cost of doing business where you hunt. I have a neighboring farmer that I only take time for if I have 30 minutes for a good listen.
This guy only has two acres? And he lives on it?
How is he planning on hunting anything on that.

I’m not a people person, I make it pretty clear right off the bat that only myself and family are allowed to hunt our farms. If a neighbor shoots a deer that comes on me I’m cool with them getting it…if there is blood and I’m with them.

I also have a twelve acre place that we live on that eight acres of it is heavily wooded in ag country, and I have no close neighbors within almost a half mile. I can’t imagine having a neighbor up against me with 2 acres being in my business.

If I were you I would be very blunt about my ground rules.
Yeah, I think I will need to make sure he is clear about what I am saying. I just don't want to piss him off and then have him do something stupid or try and make it tough for me (by trespassing, spooking deer, what not....)
Yeah, I think I will need to make sure he is clear about what I am saying. I just don't want to piss him off and then have him do something stupid or try and make it tough for me (by trespassing, spooking deer, what not....)
It can be a delicate balance. IMO, open clear communication as to the parameters are a good place to start. As others have said, trust is earned.

My one son shot a buck (bleeding pretty good) that went onto a neighboring camp's property. We stopped our trailing, went over to the neighboring camp, and asked permission to track the buck. They went above & beyond ........ they told us they would drive out that patch of woods, taking my son along with them, and even if one of them finished off the deer, it was still my son's buck. They even loaded it onto a 4-wheeler and brought it out so we didn't have to drag it. I bought the camp a 1/2 gallon of Black Velvet whiskey to thank them. Our camps have helped each other over the years - good to have good neighbors, and be on good terms. Asking permission to track a deer goes a long way.