Looking for QDMA forum members.

You know we are all to nosey for that;) lol
You hunting tomorrow Bill?

To warm and I don't have one in a summer pattern I know will show up on que. If one slides back into being regular where I want him, I'll go in. If not it's the long wait til the end of October. I don't like stinking up my stands until it's time.

But that's just me.
The ignore feature does indeed work.
I wish a few would use it. It would make my job easier.

Your job should be easier ... LOL?

Why did you push to become administrator?
Your job should be easy?

Why did you push to become administrator?

Consider yourself lucky he did!
Your job should be easier ... LOL?

Why did you push to become administrator?

Don't recall pushing. As much as accepting "happily"

Mo and Jack have this thing. I had that once with a guy who is now one of my best friends.

I like them both. Jack has lots of great info to offer. Actually, I wouldn't run Buckeye cams without his guidance. Certainly not as well and certainly not as smart. His very detailed explanations taught me about RF antennas and how to use each type in different applications. I won't even go into what he has taught me about batteries and solar panels.

Mo makes me laugh and also offers good concise info. Had no clue Bassigran killed smart weed in clover until he told me. Does he push it. Yes. Has he pushed it to far. I don't think so. But that might be different if Jack wasn't so diplomatic.

Interseting thing being a mod. Get to heavy handed and a band goes against you. Be to soft and ? We'll see. I remember a time when 30 of us held this place together. Today I could probably ban 25 people with out a hiccup. But I won't.
At this point I've only banned 1 person. Sad thing is I liked and respected him very much. But he crossed a line with a personal attack.

I've received PM's over the Mo/Jack splinter in the thumb from both sides. Funny thing is, never once from either of them.

I shouldn't even have said as much as I have. But I have no intention of ever asking two adults to get along on an Internet forum. Eventually it will work out or I'll ban someone with no explanation and no apologies.

Again the ignore feature really does work.
Maybe some guys could grow a spine and not worry about what is said on a forum!

One thing you will get from me is the plain and simple truth! Too bad some liberals don't want to hear the truth.

Bill is a good man, true to his word and a good MOD! Others could learn by his example.
Don't recall pushing. As much as accepting "happily"

Mo and Jack have this thing. I had that once with a guy who is now one of my best friends.

I like them both. Jack has lots of great info to offer. Actually, I wouldn't run Buckeye cams without his guidance. Certainly not as well and certainly not as smart. His very detailed explanations taught me about RF antennas and how to use each type in different applications. I won't even go into what he has taught me about batteries and solar panels.

Mo makes me laugh and also offers good concise info. Had no clue Bassigran killed smart weed in clover until he told me. Does he push it. Yes. Has he pushed it to far. I don't think so. But that might be different if Jack wasn't so diplomatic.

Interseting thing being a mod. Get to heavy handed and a band goes against you. Be to soft and ? We'll see. I remember a time when 30 of us held this place together. Today I could probably ban 25 people with out a hiccup. But I won't.
At this point I've only banned 1 person. Sad thing is I liked and respected him very much. But he crossed a line with a personal attack.

I've received PM's over the Mo/Jack splinter in the thumb from both sides. Funny thing is, never once from either of them.

I shouldn't even have said as much as I have. But I have no intention of ever asking two adults to get along on an Internet forum. Eventually it will work out or I'll ban someone with no explanation and no apologies.

Again the ignore feature really does work.


Let me just say that I completely agree with you approach to giving folks as much latitude as possible. The LAST thing I would want to see is someone like MO banned. He is knowledgeable, has, and continues to contribute a lot here. I completely agree with many of his posts. Like you, he makes me laugh. The personal attacks don't bother me personally at all. Ad hominem posts to speak more about the person making the attack than the person being attacked. What does concern me is the impact they have on some others as seen in Mitch's post earlier. For every guy like Mitch that is willing to stand up and say something, I wonder how many folks are relegated to lurking because they are don't want the same treatment. Having said that, it is out of my control. The best I can do is to stand firm in my positions but avoid responding in kind.

Actually, I find Mo very complementary from an overall forum perspective. Some guys are overwhelmed and just want to be told what to do. Mo serves these folks very well. Other folks want to understand things on a deeper level. I know that I've been back and forth between both of these camps along my journey.

"I had that once with a guy who is now one of my best friends." I will say this does give me hope!


"I had that once with a guy who is now one of my best friends." I will say this does give me hope!

I can assure and guarantee you one thing Jack, that we won't ever be best of friends. I have not, and will not ever apologize to anyone for telling them the truth. If anyone does not like the truth, I could care less. If Mitch wants to leave without looking at all my posts, so be it, he will be missing out on a lot of good info from some good guys on here, my self included.

But I will say this, I hit the like button on several of your posts for one reason, they were good posts! If you have any others I will hit it again!
"I had that once with a guy who is now one of my best friends." I will say this does give me hope!

I can assure and guarantee you one thing Jack, that we won't ever be best of friends. I have not, and will not ever apologize to anyone for telling them the truth. If anyone does not like the truth, I could care less. If Mitch wants to leave without looking at all my posts, so be it, he will be missing out on a lot of good info from some good guys on here, my self included.

But I will say this, I hit the like button on several of your posts for one reason, they were good posts! If you have any others I will hit it again!

Mo, I realize that "the truth" and your opinion are one in the same for you. I also completely agree that Mitch, and anyone else that needs to use the ignore button on you will be missing out on a lot of great information.

Thanks for letting me know that one of my posts was useful. I was just about to take my ball and leave the playground, but now that I've been validated, I'm good to go for a little longer. :D

As for best friends, I'd be more than happy with simply treating each other respectfully. That would be a great start, but I'm not holding my breath.


Don't recall pushing. As much as accepting "happily"

Mo and Jack have this thing. I had that once with a guy who is now one of my best friends.

I like them both. Jack has lots of great info to offer. Actually, I wouldn't run Buckeye cams without his guidance. Certainly not as well and certainly not as smart. His very detailed explanations taught me about RF antennas and how to use each type in different applications. I won't even go into what he has taught me about batteries and solar panels.

Mo makes me laugh and also offers good concise info. Had no clue Bassigran killed smart weed in clover until he told me. Does he push it. Yes. Has he pushed it to far. I don't think so. But that might be different if Jack wasn't so diplomatic.

Interseting thing being a mod. Get to heavy handed and a band goes against you. Be to soft and ? We'll see. I remember a time when 30 of us held this place together. Today I could probably ban 25 people with out a hiccup. But I won't.
At this point I've only banned 1 person. Sad thing is I liked and respected him very much. But he crossed a line with a personal attack.

I've received PM's over the Mo/Jack splinter in the thumb from both sides. Funny thing is, never once from either of them.

I shouldn't even have said as much as I have. But I have no intention of ever asking two adults to get along on an Internet forum. Eventually it will work out or I'll ban someone with no explanation and no apologies.

Again the ignore feature really does work.

Bill ... Whether you volunteered or were asked, good to have mods here as every town needs a sheriff or two. I am sure it is a thankless job, a bit like trying to take cellphones from teenagers and getting them to study.

If the goal of this site is to create an environment were folks feel comfortable sharing info and discussing ideas, then I would assume more voices are much better than a few loud ones.

If your benchmark for addressing bad behavior is personal attacks, you have plenty to work with here.

You are correct, the ignore button does work, but equal and opposing well laid out view points are often more effective ... ;)

I dont know either of these 2, and I am not going to pick a side. But it is a huge negative to other forum members to have to read the stuff. Having ran a forum in the past, I know not everyone will get along, but out of respect to the forum, and the other members, personal attacks shouldnt be allowed in the forums. If members want to attack each other, do it with PM's, dont do it in public where everyone has to be involved. Just my .02, and it isnt worth that!
Really some funny post's now! LOL
Sounds like you guys are getting through to him now....not!