Kiefer VS Olympic pear

Jordan Selsor

5 year old buck +
Anyone have experience with both these varieties? Looking for a late season hard pear that lasts on the ground and won’t turn to mush. Curious as to which one drops later of the two? Have a small sunny spot looking to slip in a few pear trees. I am on the fence about European vs Asian. Kiefer does have the advantage of self pollinating. Believe i Would have to couple the Olympic with another Asian variety? Or will a few olympics pears pollinate each other?
I've heard good things about Olympic and shinko. I just planted some.
I’ve got a half dozen keiffers in the ground, very good DR pear that thrives with almost no maintenance and holds into late October first week of November for me. I also have three or four Olympics that haven’t fruited yet but are very vigorous strong growers and I’m really looking forward to seeing how they do.
European pears should be able to pollinate your Olympics. I have about fifteen different pear varieties all mixed in the pear part of our orchards.
For really late dropping pears look at Ms Lanene Gilmer Christmas Gate and Becton from Wildlife Group.
Best pollinator for other pears I’ve seen is Moonglow.
I have several Asian pears in my orchard including one Olympic that is of fruit bearing age. It must be self polinating since it was the only pear to blossom last year and was loaded with pears. I can't tell you how long the fruit will hang on the tree because all of the pears were removed and eaten by the end of October. During that time, I don't remember even one falling off the tree naturally. It was the most popular tree in the orchard with everyone commenting abut how good the pears were and taking a bag home. I have since planted two more Olympics to share the fruit with my friends.
European pears should be able to pollinate your Olympics. .
Yep thank you
Aftet some google digging that seems to be the verdict. I planted some Kiefer an Olympic together last year but couldn’t remember pollination situation. Didn’t know if i had planned to add a couple more Asians or if pollination was sufficient.
I prolly did this research last yr but forgot! That’s what 4 kids will do to a guy! Lol
We only have 3 pear trees at camp - 2 Kieffers and 1 Morse hybrid pear. All 3 seem to be growing well with no babying. The Kieffers have produced a few pears so far, but nothing on the hybrid yet. The Kieffer pears were still on the tree in late October until a member picked them to eat. That's all I can contribute at this point.
Anyone have experience with both these varieties? Looking for a late season hard pear that lasts on the ground and won’t turn to mush. Curious as to which one drops later of the two? Have a small sunny spot looking to slip in a few pear trees. I am on the fence about European vs Asian. Kiefer does have the advantage of self pollinating. Believe i Would have to couple the Olympic with another Asian variety? Or will a few olympics pears pollinate each other?

Jordan, I have had Kieffer bearing fruit for many years but just got Olympic planted last year.

Per the UK College of Agriculture, Olympic ripens 5 days before Kieffer in my area - so essentially the same ripening date for all practical purposes.
Jordan, I have had Kieffer bearing fruit for many years but just got Olympic planted last year.

Per the UK College of Agriculture, Olympic ripens 5 days before Kieffer in my area - so essentially the same ripening date for all practical purposes.

Thanks for the intel Steve!
Have you had fire blight issues with your Kiefers?
Thanks for the intel Steve!
Have you had fire blight issues with your Kiefers?

I've never had the kind of issues with Kieffer and FB that some people on the forums have talked about. In really bad years, I have seen new growth on Kieffer affected, but have never seen it go into second year wood. I'm not doubting what anyone else says - just telling you my personal experience.

I do believe that there are a lot of pears out there being sold as Kieffer that are not true Kieffer. Stop and think about it - screw ups happen all the time.

Even one of the best apples to ever come from the PRI Breeding Program almost went obscure because a mix-up was made, and the wrong apple was being sold for a long time.

With humans, "stuff happens," and as long as Kieffer has been around (150+ years) - lots of stuff has probably happened.

Last year was a bad year for FB in my area. My neighbor had one apple tree that got FB so bad I thought it was going to die. That tree was 25 yards from two of my Ayers pears and less than 100 yards from two of my Kieffers. All four pear trees had nice crops and not a hint of FB on any of the pears.

Best wishes!

What apple are you talking about? I agree I have not had problems with Keifer and FB. I have had a really bad year of FB so I am experienced with FB (PhD in FB actually). As for Olympic I have several and I do prefer them over Keifer. They hang a long time if you want to and if you are going to eat them from the tree you need to let them hang a long time. It can take them a while to get a good start but once they get going they roll tide roll.

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What apple are you talking about? I agree I have not had problems with Keifer and FB. I have had a really bad year of FB so I am experienced with FB (PhD in FB actually). As for Olympic I have several and I do prefer them over Keifer. They hang a long time if you want to and if you are going to eat them from the tree you need to let them hang a long time. It can take them a while to get a good start but once they get going they roll tide roll.

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Good info on the Olympics. I have a little while to wait on mine.

The apple I'm talking about is Priscilla (aka Co-op 4). A mix up caused at least one (and who knows how many more?) major nursery to sell a bogus Priscilla for at least six years which significantly tarnished the rep of the apple.

My point is that if so called "modern professionals" can make a mistake like this, what can happen in the general public over a 150+ year period......

Most people who I know thinks that any hard, fall pear is a Kieffer. So it's easy to see how the mistakes are made.

Heck...for all I know, I may not be growing the real Kieffer.....but, I am happy with the ones that I think are Kieffer.....
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I got an Olympic in a grab bag. Anyone have them in Zone 4?