Chance of freeze damage - pear vs persimmon

That's probably the smart way to water. My Tree plot is on the land I live on , I'm cheap and just fill up old milk jugs, and carry 25 of them over in a Kawasaki mule. Granted I only planted 5 new trees in the plot this year.....and give them at least 5 gallons each once a week. In the summer when it gets hotter I may water twice a week if there is no rain.
Every year I get more like you. Better to plant 5 correct trees, plant them well, and care for them, than 50 half way
I give my trees about 8 gallons of water each week during summer - except for the older like ten yr old I give twice that - about 15 gallons. I have had some die doing that. Other than fig, I dont have winter kill - I have summer kill, though