At the risk of this converting to an aging thread here is the buck in question with several other different aged bucks. I suppose that with the antlers not in the pic it helps look at appropriate body characteristics . I believe the buck to be 5 based not only what I see here but also from seeing him last yr. For our neighborhood he hasn't really blocked up yet like 6 yr olds do. Nonetheless even at 5 I would expect him to weigh ~250+ at peak total body weight this year. Probably a 3 yr old he is nuzzling with and a couple of 2 year olds also in the pic. Unfortunately thats the best photo I have of him with other bucks in pic.
I think aging bucks 1) in the summer 2) from unknown herds 3) past about 4 if you don't know the specific buck is very challenging. 4) from jaw bones if a deer is 4 or older doesn't work 5) aging jaws by sending them to the lab isn't very accurate either. Can you put them into broad categories by visual cues? Sure. But to be specific not so easy.
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