Habitat Talk's July 2018 Trail Cam Photo Contest

5 plus. I'd like to see that deer standing next to a yearling buck, that would tell the tale.
I’d like to see that buck standing in front of my stand opening morning of bow season.
I’d like to see that buck standing in front of my stand opening morning of bow season.
That buck??!! He needs another year...lol.
I'm from the "If it's brown it's down" crowd...If there is brown in my shorts, then it's a good indicator that I should shoot:emoji_grin:
At the risk of this converting to an aging thread here is the buck in question with several other different aged bucks. I suppose that with the antlers not in the pic it helps look at appropriate body characteristics . I believe the buck to be 5 based not only what I see here but also from seeing him last yr. For our neighborhood he hasn't really blocked up yet like 6 yr olds do. Nonetheless even at 5 I would expect him to weigh ~250+ at peak total body weight this year. Probably a 3 yr old he is nuzzling with and a couple of 2 year olds also in the pic. Unfortunately thats the best photo I have of him with other bucks in pic.

I think aging bucks 1) in the summer 2) from unknown herds 3) past about 4 if you don't know the specific buck is very challenging. 4) from jaw bones if a deer is 4 or older doesn't work 5) aging jaws by sending them to the lab isn't very accurate either. Can you put them into broad categories by visual cues? Sure. But to be specific not so easy.

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Ma and the crew.
Congratulations Jake! You are the winner with 27 likes. Bill should be reaching out to you shortly regarding a prize.
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Ma and the crew.

Jake pic a color for the Neck Gator. You're first so get the most choices.

Tree bark
And camo turkeys

PM me your address and I'll get one on the way.

Members can submit up to 5 photos per contest (one photo per post), however no photo can be submitted into more than one contest.

So, just for future reference, are we, or aren't we allowed to post multiple pics within a post?
Doesn't seem like a few guys understood your rules, or did I misunderstand them?
Kinda makes it hard to click "like" when there are multiple pics on a post...how do you know which of the pics to give credit to?
View attachment 19880

Little late but just pulled the card and had to post it
Peeps, cool capture! You SHOULD post that one in the August contest! Any pic taken in the current OR prior month is allowed as long as only entered once (and contest was already over when you shared, so bet moving it would be ok).
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So, just for future reference, are we, or aren't we allowed to post multiple pics within a post?
Doesn't seem like a few guys understood your rules, or did I misunderstand them?
Kinda makes it hard to click "like" when there are multiple pics on a post...how do you know which of the pics to give credit to?

Should post only one per. You're right it makes it harder to like a single pic when there are multiple.
So, just for future reference, are we, or aren't we allowed to post multiple pics within a post?
Doesn't seem like a few guys understood your rules, or did I misunderstand them?
Kinda makes it hard to click "like" when there are multiple pics on a post...how do you know which of the pics to give credit to?
Yep, one per post.
At the risk of this converting to an aging thread here is the buck in question with several other different aged bucks. I suppose that with the antlers not in the pic it helps look at appropriate body characteristics . I believe the buck to be 5 based not only what I see here but also from seeing him last yr. For our neighborhood he hasn't really blocked up yet like 6 yr olds do. Nonetheless even at 5 I would expect him to weigh ~250+ at peak total body weight this year. Probably a 3 yr old he is nuzzling with and a couple of 2 year olds also in the pic. Unfortunately thats the best photo I have of him with other bucks in pic.

I think aging bucks 1) in the summer 2) from unknown herds 3) past about 4 if you don't know the specific buck is very challenging. 4) from jaw bones if a deer is 4 or older doesn't work 5) aging jaws by sending them to the lab isn't very accurate either. Can you put them into broad categories by visual cues? Sure. But to be specific not so easy.

View attachment 19821

It's too bad he won't be passing on his genetics as he appears to be batting for the other team. ;)