

5 year old buck +
Don't think I've ever read an article that's mentioned fog's affect on deer movement. I'm assuming they don't like moving in it as it would limit their ability to spot predators. And perhaps head back to bedding areas when the fog starts forming. Any opinions?
In my experience, deer hunting in fog sucks, waterfowl hunting on foggy days are some of the best days you will ever have, if the ducks are around to begin with at least.
I grew up in a area fog was a very common weather condition, some days couldn';t see 25 ft

hunting in it sucked, needed to really know your way a or could get turned around real easy
it was the only place I ever seen crows and Turkey buzzards WALKING thru the woods, as I guess would be too foggy for them to fly??
But I always did see a lot of deer , they moved as if normal, could be due to they had that weather as often as they did and got used to it
but it seemed like they were fine with moving in it, as they too could sneak about in it, they would like magically just appear in your shooting lanes and then 2-3 steps be gone?
kept you on your toe's

a side note, it still amazes me HOW few folks that drive in the fog, turn there darn headlights on
these moron's around here just drive like its a clear day time day??
headlights don't make HUGE difference, but when visibility is 50-75 ft, any help is a huge PLUS!!
Shot 2 of my biggest bucks on foggy days. I think they move around more in it thinking it's still early.
I have never had much luck hunting deer in fog. I do however like to use more adverse weather conditions that would tend to not be fit for man or beast to time a hunt. I love to hunt just as that weather starts to clear/pass. I killed a nice buck like clock work after a prolonged heavy rain a few years ago. My son thought I was nuts as we walked across the field in the pouring rain. Within an hour the rain passed just like the radar said it would and within 1/2 hour of that a nice clean 130" buck (which is a nice deer for us) stepped out like he owned the place. For as often as I am wrong about deer......every once in a great while a plan comes together. I have never had luck with deer in fog....but it's tough to shoot what you can't see.
I have never had much luck hunting in the fog. When firearm hunting, I can get a shot at any distance but have found that most of my shots come at about 50- 100 yards. As others have mentioned, when you can only see 25 yards you have lost the ability to see any deer beyond that distance. For me, fog is a time to sit inside and wait for it to clear.
I honestly can't recall a single solitary deer I've shot in the fog. My farm sits on a river so it's common for fog to hang in the bottom for a good while in the mornings till the sun burns it off. Have also had fog roll in late in the evenings so thick I had to just poke back along to the house. I just don't recall deer moving great when it's foggy...or maybe I just can't see'em?
I'm pretty sure the last buck I shot came out of the fog...opening day a few years back
My daughter shot her 2 biggest buck on the foggiest day I have ever hunted in. The fog rose 10' off the ground for one minute and he was standing 60 yards away trying to figure out what the hell we were sitting on buckets on the ground! I will second that they move more than a guy thinks. But who would know, you can't see them in the fog!
Thanks for the stories guys. Been real foggy the last two mornings here, and is a regular occurence. I'll keep plugging away.