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I played 3 sports in High School football, track, & b-ball. Didn't play b-ball jr/sr as I was not quite Jordan-esque :emoji_slight_smile:

Was a pretty good athlete; however, a knee issue limited me. Sports should teach kids alot of things ... discipline, teamwork, sacrifice, & humility. Smaller private school so our equipment, weight room, & playing field were all crappy. You were taught & learned that not of that mattered, we played schools that were 3-4 times our size so we were always the underdog. What mattered was your heart and overcoming any obstacle to win.

Learned alot that I still rely on today.
Local high school bragging up their new million dollar astroturf football field. Meanwhile kids getting sent to them from schools struggling to fix the heavy metals in their water, and academic programs getting slashed.
This latest conversation is scaring me more than Corona. I've got a 10 month old, and hopefully another on the way within a year. One of my biggest fears is having kids who want to play organized sports. Hopefully that doesn't make me a bad dad. If that's what they want I'll support it but I pray it isn't the case. I've never once in my life been able to watch a sporting event from start to finish. I cheer for the packers just because the better they do, the less people are in the woods
Northbound that is pretty funny,.. the part about the Packers and less people in the woods! Nice and thank you for the chuckle!

True though!!
I'd never give up time in the woods to watch sports on TV, but I sure did miss the Bills being on the radio during their bye week when I was driving home from a weekend of duck hunting the St. Lawrence and my buddies had all fallen asleep.
Draw your own conclusion. This is _______ because _________.

"Last week, state officials confirmed that as many as 300,000 records had not been processed by the computer clearinghouse system relied upon to provide to local officials the COVID-19 test results reported by labs on a daily basis. Two separate errors were identified — one related to a computer server outage, the other to the expiration of an electronic certificate for data to be transferred from Quest Laboratories."
I like sports for the same reason I like hunting on TV. It's entertainment. I don't let it ruin my day, and Sundays are generally my "home with the family" day. I don't usually hunt sunday. I don't have a moral issue with it, I just spend it with my boys and let my wife take her 3 hour afternoon nap. So we watch football.

I'm a baseball fan, and a football fan, so i see them as entertainers. I don't get my political views from them as they would rarely align. But its entertainment. Its not who I am.

If it was "who I am" I'd have quit being a Browns fan a long time ago.
There’s still time
Always nice to hear about peoples personal experiences, it just gives a more well rounded picture of who is at the other end of the keyboard.

I was small for my age but athletic, I played baseball until I couldn't keep up with the bigger guys, I played football until High School when I was considered a runt to the rest of the team, and wrestled for 8 years. Baseball was my favorite but Wrestling was more for my size as we got into High School the last year I wrestled I was in the 98# weight class. After school I played Softball until I was 40 (when everything hurt the next day) not bragging but the fact is I was a well respected A-Division Shortstop in our local city that could play like a rockstar in our local leagues. At 40 I switched to Church League to try and slow the pace and recieve less pain from playing. I was wrong, if I had to put it to words I would describe it as a grey faced dog that would still run balls to the wall every time someone threw the ball. There is no half speed and most of shortstop is reactionary so slowing down was an unrealistic goal.
Funny thing in church league, a lazy fly ball was hit over our (female) 2nd baseman's head, I instinctively ran to back her up and ended up making a diving catch. The coach on the other "Church" team gave me a bunch of crap from their dugout about it "being a church league" and wouldn't high five me after the game was over. I stopped the whole line and offered a handshake instead which he refused so I simply said, "that speaks volumes about you, not me sir" and carried on. Way too serious for a church league. I did have the joy of hitting a game winning triple in the Championship for my last ever at bat so I got to go out on top (in a church league) lol
As far as professional sports, **** them... race baiters and police haters disrespecting our flag and National Anthem, injecting their personal beliefs into the sports I used to love to watch has ruined it for me. We are not a perfect society but nothing in life is perfect, we are all humans and we all have flaws and make mistakes. Disrespectful little *****. Thanks but I will keep my dignity. They will get no money or minutes of air time on my account, just my 2 cents.

Signed-- lifelong Redskins fan
Well there's your "medical condition" excuse not to be FORCED to wear one.
Clothing chafes, so I've decided to forego it. I may very well blind those around me, or make them want to claw their eyes out, but it's my right to decide what I put on my body. Lol
Clothing chafes, so I've decided to forego it. I may very well blind those around me, or make them want to claw their eyes out, but it's my right to decide what I put on my body. Lol

No it’s the law to wear cloths has been for centuries

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Lmao. I guess all dentist and surgeons must end up w dentures. Funny and stupid read. Good excuse tho.
As for sports me or my son was never much for team sports, me beginning in the 70s , he much later.
Much better to do individual stuff where you have no one to blame but your self for success or failure. And no participation trophies. There is First and everyone else. We raced pro level tracks across the country. Here’s my son w his self designed painted helmet. When you can go 40 riders wide at open throttle into a hairpin curve wide enough for 6 of them and make 75 ft jumps then you got Kahoonas big enough to talk chit. Lol
Strange turn from Covid talk. Thankgoodness.

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This truly is an example of needing money to be able to compete. There wasn’t a thing I couldn’t do on a bike. I always wanted to race it just wasn’t going to happen for me.

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Clothing chafes, so I've decided to forego it. I may very well blind those around me, or make them want to claw their eyes out, but it's my right to decide what I put on my body. Lol

I’m on your side, it’s your right. But beware if you’re on my farm. We have lots of of blackberry patches I’d advise avoiding :emoji_scream:

Lmao. I guess all dentist and surgeons must end up w dentures. Funny and stupid read. Good excuse tho.
As for sports me or my son was never much for team sports, me beginning in the 70s , he much later.
Much better to do individual stuff where you have no one to blame but your self for success or failure. And no participation trophies. There is First and everyone else. We raced pro level tracks across the country. Here’s my son w his self designed painted helmet. When you can go 40 riders wide at open throttle into a hairpin curve wide enough for 6 of them and make 75 ft jumps then you got Kahoonas big enough to talk chit. Lol
Strange turn from Covid talk. Thankgoodness.

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This truly is an example of needing money to be able to compete. There wasn’t a thing I couldn’t do on a bike. I always wanted to race it just wasn’t going to happen for me.

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That made me laugh. I bought my first bike at 13 from paper route and odd jobs. Dad never donated a penny except his mechanical skills. Bought the others thru race winnings while still working several jobs. My son also worked and bought his own bikes till sponsored. That how you teach character. There are no freebies in this life. Most good racers I’ve known began from meager backgrounds. One just has to choose to make it happen.

As for the no clothes and mask ... had college girl I. Office today and my young staff were laughing their asses off saying her mask covered more than what she was wearing. I didn’t complain personally.

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Pictures or it didn’t happen :)
Next week my kids start school. They're talking about making k-12 wear masks and make them stay away from each other at recess.

Last night I picked them up at soccer camp (don't look at me, my wife signed them up), and there were roughly 7 million elementary aged kids running around on a soccer field, sweating, pushing, shoving, and having a blast, not wearing masks. But next week is probably the dangerous week, so I guess we'll have to start being safe then.
We all know by now that masks protect other people, not the wearer, but seriously, most of the institutional requirements for masking are simply liability protection. It's the same reason that there is so much online training mandated these days. The company that provides most of the training modules used at our University actually sells its product based on its ability to reduce liability and to protect the institution from lawsuits. So, what started out as a reasonable idea ends up being a mandate that is applied universally without considering actual needs. And once it's accepted by the general populace, they start mimicking the requirement without thinking...people wearing masks alone in cars kills me.

As for dogghr's post, I'm with or it didn't happen. Here's my story: my 18-yr-old daughter absconded with one of my wife's scarfs yesterday, which she wore tied below her shoulders as a wrap. Very Bohemian. I get it. But as a Dad, I'm horrified lol.
You guys are sic. And I like it. But pretty sure the huge belly ring she had would’ve easily identified me as a perv on social media. Lol. What’s funny even my 21 yo female staff member was trash talking her choice of clothing. I found it all hilarious. Makes my day go faster. I’ve been asked at least 3 times over the years what I thot of a ladies new boob job. I always defer that if their husband/ bf likes them then that’s enough.
And we must really be tired of Covid to be having this conversation. At least she had a mask on. Lol

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