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They have their Freedumb

Just to compare our Universities within 20 miles of where I live are running fine, vaccinated students, masks and education proceeding fine.

University of Massachusetts
Smith College
Amherst College
Mount Holyoke College

What could possibly be the difference between Liberty and these ? Hmmm?
I'm just glad I caught Covid and lived. I'm like 20% more protected then jabbed people.

Probably a basillion times more then you freedom loving anti-vax slugs.:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I'm still alive...barely
Just to compare our Universities within 20 miles of where I live are running fine, vaccinated students, masks and education proceeding fine.

University of Massachusetts
Smith College
Amherst College
Mount Holyoke College

What could possibly be the difference between Liberty and these ? Hmmm?
I didn’t see you post the article about the town near you that had all the positives from the fully vaccinated. I believe it was some sort of GLBT rally. Since you were probably there maybe you could enlighten us on that super spreader event.
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Laughed out loud at that one! THANKS
I'm just glad I caught Covid and lived. I'm like 20% more protected then jabbed people.

Probably a basillion time more then you freedom loving anti-vax slugs.:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

.......or "the long haired,hippie type pinko fags" from an old Charlie daniels tune

Just to compare our Universities within 20 miles of where I live are running fine, vaccinated students, masks and education proceeding fine.

University of Massachusetts
Smith College
Amherst College
Mount Holyoke College

What could possibly be the difference between Liberty and these ? Hmmm?
Give it up! This took me 2 seconds to find at Duke University


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Kind reminder for us all to get our ducks in a row. Life is survival of the fittest. Particularly when commies create a disease to take people down. Let's all lose 10 lbs together and go for an extra walk around the block each day. Build extra lung capacity and shed some fat on our vital organs.
Being a freedom loving anti-vax slug, I'm in on losing 10 pounds.
A man was was praying to God for help. He did not want to get Covid
His Pastor stopped by and suggested he use a mask at church.
The man said "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to protect me."
Later the man visited his Doctor who suggested a vaccine shot. Saying it is safe.
The man said, “No I trust God to protect me, he is my vaccine
Finally the mans children invited over all their friends and his wife suggested maybe during a pandemic they should observe some social distancing rules.
No, the man said.

Soon the man got Covid and passed away. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"
To this God replied, "I gifted your scientists with a vaccine, taught you to use your brain, a mask and social distancing to save yourself.

What more did you expect,.. when you ignore all I have given you?"
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