Can't Fool Me! Lol!

With the can run but you cannot hide. Maybe we should do a fly-by with a drone? Ain't tech grand? ;)
With the can run but you cannot hide. Maybe we should do a fly-by with a drone? Ain't tech grand? ;)
Psst. Foggy- what are we going to do about this Rain Dancing Scam.... I mean Rain Dancing Business. Are they after you yet? I moved and changed my name.;)
Gave myself some B-day fun today by hitting 3 more unpaid invoice customers with small claims filings at 3 different court houses this morning. :D

Added on $250 each to pay for the morning wasted. When will these guys ever learn! LOL
Holy shit... how many open invoices do you have???
Holy shit... how many open invoices do you have???

Same as every year, too many!
If you only had a clue as to what I do, or what the farmers do in this area, you would be dangerous Dipper, And Broke!
your retired and trying to track debtors down with the help of strangers on the internet. There's lots of ways to make $ in this world. I'm not going to be working in retirement, I can tell u that.

Once again dipper you don't have a clue! Hahahahaha!
Get to go into court today and listen to Dennis Jorgenson squeal to the judge on why he wrote a fake check to me. Then he gets to listen to me tell the judge he should get 2 years in the state pen.

Or more than likely he won't show and we get our arrest warrant today! I just love doing this stuff! :D
If he does show up, I won't be surprised to learn that he brought his (real) checkbook with him


That is why I file against these check bouncing guys all the time, And I get an extra 15-20% over what the original bill was. Some of the best interest a guy can make! They get pretty nervous when it comes to judgement day! I am sure a guy writing out a fake check should be crapping bricks one would think, but then again maybe not!
Good luck today MO. Give 'em hell!!!
Good luck today MO. Give 'em hell!!!

I think the county attorney is a bigger bitch than I am, we should be fine!

I am guessing only a 10% chance of the guy showing up at 1:30pm. Any other guesses?:D
Stu Hit it!

Not only did he show, after the hearing they booked him into the fricken jail on $1,000 bond, or at least said that was where he was going. Hahahahahaha!

He tried to tell the judge he had cows to milk tonight, judge never answered him. God i love this crap!:D
That is friggin' beautiful. What did he think was gonna happen? Damn these people are dumb!!!!
Good news, I hope he sits in there awhile. I also hope the system makes sure he pays his financial debt instead of just sitting his worthless a$$ in the clink.

With a $1,000 bond I would imagine that means all he has to post is $100 and he is probably out already. But now he has to get a bondsman. And then an Attorney, he told the judge he will have his own attorney at the next hearing on sept 18th. This is going to cost him more than he is trying to screw me out of by a big chunk. And I still may get paid. Hahahahaha!
Gee Whiz and here I thought I was your dumbest customer....Its neck and neck but I think this joker has just pulled ahead!!;)

I gotta buy some stuff from MO....just to keep the balance tipped in favor of guys that pay. ;)
I gotta buy some stuff from MO....just to keep the balance tipped in favor of guys that pay. ;)


You Funny!

Keep having land tours and I hear you can get the stuff for free! LOL