Can't Fool Me! Lol!

Well, collected $3,800 on a bad check from the guy from Melrose MN yesterday morning. Seems when the county attorney sent him a letter for his felony charge hearing, he got shook up and ran over here to pay me. And he gave me an extra $150 for my trouble. :D

Now the other puke from wisc is next!
And he tipped you to boot! Way to stay with it.
John- we need more guys like you!

Want to run for President?
John- we need more guys like you!

Want to run for President?

My twin brother Donald already is!;)
And Jesse is your double first cousin?:D
Well, collected $3,800 on a bad check from the guy from Melrose MN yesterday morning. Seems when the county attorney sent him a letter for his felony charge hearing, he got shook up and ran over here to pay me. And he gave me an extra $150 for my trouble. :D

Now the other puke from wisc is next!
Absolutely outstanding!!! Good luck with puke #2.
Well, collected $3,800 on a bad check from the guy from Melrose MN yesterday morning. Seems when the county attorney sent him a letter for his felony charge hearing, he got shook up and ran over here to pay me. And he gave me an extra $150 for my trouble. :D

Now the other puke from wisc is next!

Great news! Squeaky wheel got the oil as always with these judges and attorneys! Bet the Barracuda is happy:)
Great news! Squeaky wheel got the oil as always with these judges and attorneys! Bet the Barracuda is happy:)
Good news. On to puke #2
One down one to go. Good luck.
All right! Glad to hear that it ended well for you Mo!
One down one to go. Good luck.

I wish, I still have $30K in unpaid invoices hanging. Like pulling teeth trying to collect money from these guys!
Do you have a percentage that wait until after harvest to pay?
Do you have a percentage that wait until after harvest to pay?

15-20 guys usually. And almost always the same ones.

They use me as a bank, or think they do. I usually add 15-20% over what most people pay. So i get credit card rates, for a few months. Its all good, but they think they are getting one over on me. LOL

It just sucks dealing with it every year. But is part of the job.

As I said....can't fool me! Hahahahahaha!
Next scum bag I have had a texting a conversation with this past week. This is sort of funny if he didn't owe me $1,500 for 3 months!

Aug 8th, ME: Hi Scott, how are u coming with getting me paid up? Let me know. Thanks!
Aug 8th, Scott: Good, I just found your Bill I'll get it off to U.
Aug 8th, Me: Thanks!
Aug 8th, Scott: sorry bout the wait
Aug 14th, ME: Hi Scott, I need to get paid, please send me a check.
Aug 14th, Scott: You didn't get that yet I sent it sat or monday can't remember which?
Aug 14th, ME: Scott, I have been in business a long time, wish I had a dollar for every time i have heard that. I will be at your place in the morning to grab a new check.
Aug 14th, Scott: Ok come in after noon I work morning.
Aug 14th, ME: I will be at your place in the morning, leave a check and tell me where. Thanks!
Aug 14th, Scott: OK
Aug 14th, ME: tell me where the check will be left.
Aug 14th, Scott: I will leave it under the front door mat.
Aug 14th, ME: Sounds good, I will trust that it will be under the door mat at your address and you are cool with me coming on your property to grab it.
Aug 14th, Scott: No I am not ok with you coming on my property when I am not there. I will cancel the check and get you another
Aug 14th, ME: I will bring a Pine County Deputy with since you just said it will be under the mat on your front door step. Is that ok then?
Aug 14th, Scott: No we will do it in the afternoon there will be no check here in the morning and I am telling u not to b here.
Aug 14th, ME: Tell me what time in the afternoon then? my text at 8pm
Aug 14th, ME: Tell me what time in the afternoon then? my text at 8:10pm
Aug 14th, ME: Tell me what time in the afternoon then? my text at 8:20pm
Aug 14th, Scott: I do not appreciate being threatened.
Aug 14th, ME: I am not threatening anyone. Just want to know what time I can pick up my check in the afternoon. I think I have been a very trusting guy letting you pick up $1,500 worth of product I set out for you and you picking it up without me being here that day 3 months ago. Just looking to get paid scott nothing more. Just tell me what time tomorrow afternoon. Thanks!

No answer yet!

Hahahahaha! These dopes are something else.
Good gracious John! That must get a hurry.

Wish I could say I havent heard the same and song and dance routine before. Havent gone the deputy route yet. :) Might have to add that to my conversations since I have a friends in a couple of the local sheriffs departments. I have one guy right now who keeps feeding me his BS excuses so might get to test the deputy line sooner than later.
When a guy mentions deputies, county attorney's, felony charges, gets a guy thinking how he can find the money to pay his bills!:D

Hey Stu, you are good at looking these guys up, try Scott Peterson, Emerald RD, Pine City MN. I am getting the feeling he may be a frequent flyer of our judicial system!
Super common name, would need more details to narrow the search. DOB, middle name....address doesn't help in the initial search (not one of the search parameters). From the few dozen I pulled up, there were only a couple in Pine County but none had that address.

I will see what I can find out if possible. Thanks!
Might be this guy:
Looks like this is his house:

When I searched MN Courts I didn't see anyone with a middle name that started with D that appeared to be in the correct age range of 40-44. The age range is usually close IME.
Scott D is him. Thanks!