blue berry's


5 year old buck +
OK< just wondering how many folks have any this yr.
I have had crazy weather all yr, cold, NO snow, then super hot way early, then back to cold, and more rain than normal by almost 2 ft! a summer that went from cool to hot, to??

and all my normal place's I used to pick blue berry's have been void of any this yr, or very very few, both low bush and high bush one's

SO< was wondering how anyone else is doing on them

also Blackberry's, so far I ain;t fond a one here??
has to be playing havoc on wildlife not getting normal feed??
Blackberries in my garden are the only thing that is producing this year. Everything else got toasted by the weather this spring.
Here in Western, MA it has been a great year for berries. The wild blues and my domestic blueberries are loaded. Raspberries likewise. All kinds of wild cherries, serviceberry, and hawthorn berries. The only thing I am not seeing hanging from the trees is wild apples. Had gazillions of flowers in the spring but fruit set was apparently abysmal. I was hoping for a banner apple year.
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Down here they are doing well - both tame ones and wild ones.
lucky you guys then, all my fruit tree's are looking like a bad yr here as well
heavy rains again today and about 70% of apples have now been knocked off or just never grew well, with the crazy weather, second yr in a row, a poor apple harvest for me?
these winters we get are just so odd any more, up and down in temps like crazy! just hard on things growing right!
Not a good year for me in MN or Ontario.. There are a few berries but they are very small. You can get enough for a pancakes or to eat fresh but I wouldn't want to sit an pick a pail full.