April 29


5 year old buck +
So, we have no sign of spring yet. Grass is still the brownish color, no buds have broke, and I am watching snow fly. It is near white out conditions, much like a blizzard and about 1/4” of snow on the ground. It feels more like I should be getting ready for rifle season and not spring gobbler season. In July when it is pushing 90 degrees, I will probably be longing for a day like today. Who am I kidding? I want to go a couple of years without seeing snow after this past winter!
I have a number in the backyard between silver and green tip. About half are still dormant. I'll probably wait a week before I field graft anything.
If it's any comfort - our spring work detail at camp saw snow flying hard on Sunday morning with windy, raw conditions. It was 33 degrees when I went out on the front porch at 6:30 AM. It only made it to 44 degrees for a high.

Some apples and crabs were opening green - mostly the crabs - but most were at silver or still dormant. Trailman & Chestnut crabs were leading the pack for green.